[centre][h1][u][colour=FF8430]Democratic Alliance for Reform[/colour][/u][/h1][/centre] Mr. Bassong spoke in a respectful, solemn tone. "First," he began, "I'd like to speak for both everyone here on stage today and every Samgolan watching at home in expressing my sympathies to everyone affected by the SAH 5122 disaster. It was a tragic accident that cost far too many lives. The thoughts and prayers of all of Samgola are behind the victims of this deadly incident." "Preventatively, our wisest course of action is to act not out of impulse, but rather to take a close examination of the facts of the accident, and construct our policy in response to them. The investigations carried out after the disaster took place helped to rule out mechanical problems, and so leaves us with the conclusion that some other factor must be in play. As President, I will work towards establishing an inquiry into not just the SAH 5122 disaster, but also all other recent incidents involving Samgola Air aircraft, to try and get to the bottom of what's going wrong here. In the interim, the D.A.R. will work with our contemporaries in the National Assembly to make more stringent the training and safety requirements for all domestic flights in the Samgolan Republic. Nationalizing the entire transportation industry is a bridge or three too far, in my own opinion, but there are some common-sense regulatory changes we can make as a government to help prevent incidents like the SAH 5122 disaster from occurring again. It will be our responsibility as the Samgolan people's democratically elected representatives to make those changes."