I would say give it time but speaking from experience time doesn't really make things easier, we just become more accustomed to it, and from the looks of things you have been through a mourning period. Best I can say is try to find a new friend to share with. Don't go into it hoping to find the same because truthfully you never will. Each Rp bond is different. One can never replace another. Yet we can find others that give us just as much joy, yet in different ways. Seek this but do not force it on others. Attempt to connect with others but don't put the pressure on them as "I'm trying to latch on because of someone I have lost," it's an unfair expectation on a strangers shoulders. There are many wonderful people on this forum and astonishing groups you would be welcome in. Find one that you have something in common with. Whether that be an RP craving or general like. Or even just a the same level of dedication to the RP life as you. Whatever you do, be patient and give yourself rules to follow. If you find you keep slipping into depression and walking away, try to set a limit on yourself. Either with being on X time a day no matter what, not being on more than X time a day no matter what, or a combination of both. If you know your triggers and your patterns you are already well on the road to figuring out plan that works for you. Sadly no one here will be able to do that, all we can do is give you advice from what we have been through but in the end, it is up to you to figure out what works for you. (Same with pretty much anything in life.) You have my condolences. It is never easy to lose someone in life, not even in the RP life. Stay strong, keep moving forward, and don't get hung up in the past. It distracts from the now, and clouds the future.