[hr][hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180117/42cb8aae909e82218c5d485516ecd481.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180117/ef1b4e6d7d87790d6cb02d074294893b.png[/img] [img]https://assets-auto.rbl.ms/5661e543e2ce0f7592035f2ff43edd287c0347cc7c63ed2e4b5fad953ec5c993[/img][/center] [center][i][@AmethystDagger][@Damo021][@Lionhearted][@FantasyChic][@rivaan][@Morose][@BlueSky44][@Natsu] [/i][/center][hr][hr] [hr] [color=1A97DF][I]Wednesday, August 15th, 2018 Time: 12:00PM, New York City, New York[/I][/color] [@FantasyChic] Once Quinn had gotten up to the street level her work place was about two blocks away, she could hear the traffic in the streets like normal. But there was a large puddle of water nearby from the rain there was a car that was driving rather quickly through the greenlight. She would be able to get out of the way from the sudden splash of water, and several other people who were standing to close very wet. But other then that the walk towards the office would be uneventful, and she would be there just in time as well. [@Natsu] The woman gave Adalene a slight smile as she opened the door, rubbing the back of her neck for a moment before biting her lower lip as she thought about what to ask. "Uhm yeah do you happen to have any spare laundry detergent?" She asked, she was always pretty forgetful and would usually come over and ask to borrow somethings from time to time, but she always would bring it back about a day or so later and always came off as a pretty friendly person. [@Damo021] Sandra looked towards Aaliyah for a moment raising an eyebrow towards her wondering why she was on the phone in the bathroom during work hours anyway. But she did remember that Aaliyah was out sick for several weeks a few months ago, and figured that it was most likely something private now. "Well if your sick I can cover your shift if you'd like." Sandra offered before looking at another waiter who was taking several orders. "Better get back to it." She said giving Sandra a friendly smile before heading off back to work and left the kitchen area to serve other tables. "Aaliyah, could you take this to table 3?" One of the chefs in the back asked on there was someone's order ready to be served. [hr] [color=1A97DF][I]Wednesday, August 15th, 2018 Time: 9:00AM, Seattle, Washington[/I][/color] [@Morose] The people there stared at him and then quickly fled back into their apartments after Scott had yelled out to them, of course they had seen an apple watch before. But still looked weird to them but they didn't want to confront the man with fucking guns everywhere. When Scott called the police tip line they were skeptical but they would look into it, before they could get any details they weren't able to since Scott had hung up on them. The weather seemed to be clearing up now as well as the sun started to come out of the clouds. [@BlueSky44] There were several people going on about their usual business as they started to do their own shopping for the day, they would occasionally look at the pair of siblings seeing that they were soaked from head to toe with rain water. There wasn't much going on in the grocery store while Jason made the call to Cynthia. People went back to doing their thing pushing carts and making idle chatter and so on nothing interesting. It would be about seven hours before Cynthia would be free and meet up wherever they decided to go. [@AmethystDagger] Keith gave her a strange look and held his hands up and just gave up on trying to ask Cynthia out and went back to his part of the office while Cynthia had made her call to Jason on the other end. She would be able to hear the pushing of carts and occasionally people stopping by for idle chatter on the other end. The other works and interns at the office continued to go on about their work. So far the office has been fairly quiet as well nothing big is going on in the office now. [@SouffleGirl123] Johnathon looked towards Lucinda for a moment, it was a good enough excuse for him then he turned his attention back towards the other reporters and editors that were in the room. "Alright you guys get back to work." He said before making his way back towards his office. Before she had the little visiting session with Amelia Lucinda was able to get a number from the ME in Philadelphia who was the one who was looking at the woman's body. [hr] [color=1A97DF][I]Wednesday, August 15th, 2018 Time: 9:00AM, Los Angeles, California[/I][/color] [@rivaan] There was an electronics store on the other end of the park that Amelia could enter if she chose to go into it, the sold various things from older electronics to newer and used ones. They also did have new and used phones as well as burner phones until Amelia could get a proper new one. There was a dog that quickly ran up towards Amelia and barked loudly, it looked like it was a stray and had no collar on it, it looked up at Amelia with an expecting look for food. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightgreen]Olivia Johnson[/color][/h1] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m82kymS22v1qhsmbwo1_250.gif[/img] [I]Location: Claire's Apartment, New York City, New York Interacting With: [/I][/center] [hr][hr] As Olivia sat patiently in the lobby of the ME office, she took out her phone looking down at the time, it was a good time to get out and have a meal. She ran a hand through her hair as she let out a slight sigh looking over at the receptionist at the desk who was tending to some paper work. When she heard the door to the building open Olivia stood up and saw that it was Claire, and she was actually hallucinating at all. Olivia gave her a friendly smile and nodded as she started to make her way over towards the cop and extended her hand towards Claire. [color=lightgreen]"Nice to see that i'm actually not crazy."[/color] Olivia said jokingly. When Claire did shake Olivia's hands she would start to read her mind, a lot of stuff was going through her head, like she was relived that she wasn't going crazy, and occasionally mentioning her healing ability in her own head. [color=lightgreen]"Please lead the way."[/color] Olivia said giving Claire a friendly smile as she turned and headed towards the outside when she started to get wet from the constant downpour outside. [hr][hr] [center][h1][color=lightblue]Emmie Adams[/color][/h1] [img]http://i.imgur.com/cdqgkEz.gif[/img] [I]Location: FBI Field Office, New York City, New York Interacting With: [@Lionhearted] Lana Allaire[/I][/center] [hr][hr] Emmie looked at Lana then Grant when he closed the door behind him, her attention turned back towards the woman, feeling like she was now in the middle of an interrogation now. She crossed her arms over her chest as she started to think if she could trust the fed or not, Emmie knew she was in the NYC field office. [color=lightblue]"Emmie Adams."[/color] She finally said as she started to think about her next set of questions and sighed slightly and shrugged slightly. [color=lightblue]"Got really sick several months ago."[/color] Emmie decided to leave her powers out for now she still was slightly nervous being with the FBI woman. [color=lightblue]"And I have no clue, one moment was in a dollar tree now i'm here in the middle of that conference room. And maybe I am your long lost sister from an alternate reality?"[/color] Emmie answered the last bit sarcastically as she eyed the woman once more. [color=lightblue]"And what about you, who are you, and why am I here?"[/color] Emmie asked she was just as confused as she was as well to everything that was going on around her. [hr][hr] [center][color=cyan][h1]Riley Ridgeway[/h1][/color] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/c5953ec1f0b1c08769c57ea592afb7ca/tumblr_o9dq904Wfj1von8z1o1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: LA Highway -> Lair Recording Studio, Los Angeles, California Interacting With: [@Lionhearted] Lucas Myers[/i][/center] [hr][hr] [color=cyan]"Well I don't have anything to show you that i'm real, but I am."[/color] Riley said looking over at Lucas she could see that he was having some kind of weird mental breakdown. She was freaking out herself as well. When she looked at the back seat she noticed that the other man had disappeared from the car. It was now just the tow of them, Riley looked out the window seeing the traffic was crazy like always in LA, then her attention turned back towards Lucas. [color=cyan]"Well I was at the Lair Recording Studio, theres a restaurant about a block away from it, meet me there alright?"[/color] Riley said, then closed her eyes and slightly muttered something to herself. [color=cyan]"Make sure you write it down i'll give you my number and DONT give it out to anyone had people leak my number before and it aint fun at all."[/color] Riley said as she started to say her cell phone number, just as she had given her last part of her phone number Riley disappeared as well leaving Lucas in his car alone. If he had a GPS in his car he would be able to type in the studio name and find it there in the lists of the area. Riley then looked back she was back in her studio giving strange looks at by the people and then her bandmates, she quickly stood up eyeing her friends for a second. [color=cyan]"I'm going to grab a bite to eat i'm not feeling well, so just record your parts without me i'll reschedule later."[/color] Riley said as she quickly left the recording studio behind and headed down the street as quickly as she could.