[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/cm0R1S9.gif[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180219/d311b6e0fee2b62fecd2d78854b72f16.png[/img] [color=slategray][sub][@Universorum] and [@Fabricant451] collab Featuring: [color=922b2b][b]Hail[/b][/color][color=ff69b4][b]ana[/b][/color] Location: Hailey’s Room[/sub][/color][/center][hr][hr][indent]Hana was having a whirlwind of a day. It seemed a bit humorous now that before she assumed that the highlight of the day would be getting six hundred dollars; and yet here she was catching her breath and trying desperately to fix her hair in the backseat of a self-driving car which she assumed was heading back to where the afternoon’s events had started. Compared to everything that had gone down after school, six hundred dollars was quaint. Hopefully the distraction that was Henry’s interruption hadn’t caused a fiery wreck and utterly ruined...whatever this was between her and Hailey. It had only been a couple of hours and Hana was like a kid at Christmas. Excited. Hopeful. Worried. Optimistic. Though rather than hoping that the big gift under the tree was a shiny new knickknack, Hana was hoping that Hailey would still want to associate with her. If she didn’t, why would she have sent a car? That was Hana’s rationing. With her hair as unmused as she could make it in the confines of a backseat, Hana returned to her phone. She had to say something. Hailey’s texts about hanging up didn’t read as requests. What if Hana took too long to hang up? What if this? What if that? Hana’s earlier confidence was quickly drowning in an ocean of hypotheticals. It was up to her if she was going to dive in to rescue it. [color=ff69b4][b]’I’m in the car. Sorry I was interrupted. You wouldn’t believe who it was. I’m bringing my uniform. Will you meet me outside so I don’t get locked out again?’[/b][/color] Hana wrestled with the idea of sending an ‘lol’ or thereabouts to set the tone of the message, but ultimately decided against it. As the car continued on its preset course, Hana sent the first of her apologetic messages. She would likely not feel relieved until she was speaking to Hailey and given that verbal assurance. Hailey, who was still in her bedroom, still half unclothed, stared at her phone as she received another text message. Well, at least Hana had gotten in the car like she’d requested. Hailey was a little worked up, thanks to what Hana had sent her, so she’d just taken the natural next step, and decided to bring Hana to her. Not to mention, there had been that stupid interruption. That kind of thing frustrated Hailey; was Hana not already preoccupied? If they had been physically together, would Hana have answered the phone? Hailey would never know the answer, simply because she’d explain to Hana that she was never, ever to do that again. She felt her phone buzz with a text message and she read over it quickly, sighing as she sat up. Hailey slapped around off the edge of her bed for her shirt, poking out a reply. [color=922b2b][b]‘What if I just send Butler for you? I don’t much feel like getting dressed.’[/b][/color] She hit send and laid back down. While doing so, she hit a button, sending the command to the gate to open when the car drove up. She quickly sent another text message. [color=922b2b][b]‘You’ll be spending the night. If you didn’t bring a change of clothes, we’ll deal with it in the morning.’[/b][/color] With that, the ice queen rested herself back against the pillows on her bed, and waited rather impatiently for Hana’s reply. It didn’t much matter who would greet Hana at the gate, provided it wasn’t Henry of course - she didn’t need to hear the negativity in person too - so Hailey sending Butler was fine as far as Hana was concerned. Though what was more immediately eye catching was the casual admittance of Hailey being in a state of undress. That was somehow comforting, that despite the interruption Hailey hadn’t rushed to return to ‘normal’. It was a small chance, but a chance nonetheless. However, Hana’s eyes lingered on the second message. No matter how often she blinked it still read the same. Spend the night. Hana was going to be spending the night. With [i]Hailey Green[/i]. Somehow she didn’t think it would be a sleepover with braiding hair, sleeping bags, and fawning over boys. Should she call Abby and tell her? No. No, in that moment Abby was irrelevant. [color=ff69b4][b]’I didn’t bring a change of clothes.’[/b][/color] Hana’s immediate thoughts on the matter were typed into the message field. [color=ff69b4][b]’I think it’ll be okay. I could always just..wear my uniform to school? I’m...I’m excited to spend the night. At your house. In your...in your room. Yes.”[/b][/color] Her awkwardness was showing through even here. In text form. Once the car passed through the gate that opened itself, it came to a stop in front of the massive structure that the Greens called home. Butler was standing at the doorway, with his arms folded over his chest. The car door opened itself, and the mountain of a man helped her out of the car and led her into the building, while the car began to drive itself away. [color=2F8A17][b]“Don’t touch anything,”[/b][/color] Butler warned, as they walked through the hallowed halls. Looking over his shoulder at the girl, Butler shook his head. [color=2f8a17][b]“She had me running around all day because of you. Trips to stores, carting you around… She likes you. Keep it that way.”[/b][/color] Butler said, taking a turn down one of the many long winding hallways. He walked up a flight of stairs, and turned again, before he finally stopped at a door, rapping on it with his knuckles. [color=2f8a17][b]“She’s here.”[/b][/color] There was a soft click as the door unlocked, and Butler pushed Hana toward the door. [color=2f8a17][b]“Go ahead.”[/b][/color] He said, before turning and walking a few steps away, taking a seat on a nearby bench and putting his earbuds in. Finally, some peace. Hana wanted to apologize to Butler, he seemed to be having a rough go of it - and he probably had better things to do than concern himself with a giggling mess like Hana. It wasn’t an apology that she spoke while being led through the rather ornate and perplexing layout, but a blushing smile and a nod at the seemingly innocuous comment. [color=ff69b4][b]”Well that’s good. I think I like her too.”[/b][/color] The admission, such as it was, came naturally. She assumed Butler was someone who would keep secrets and it was easier to make such an admission to a third party. Hana had known Hailey less than a day and yet she was constantly at the front of her thoughts. Hana had found herself with quite the heavy crush. When the door to Hailey’s room opened, Hana took a deep breath before she was practically shuffled inside, the door closing behind her. Though she was in another’s room and was mildly curious about the decor, she just kept her eyes trained on the room’s primary occupant. [color=ff69b4][b]”H...Hey there. Did you miss me that much?”[/b][/color] Hailey had decided to put a shirt on — but that was all the extra covering up she’d done. She stood in front of Hana in a large t-shirt that just barely dropped past her thighs. She was dressed for comfort, and sensuality, not for practicality. She stepped off of the bed and walked over to Hana. Once she stood in front of her, Hailey smiled and wrapped her arms around Hana’s neck, leaning down and kissing her lips again. Almost exactly like she had in the car, Hailey let the kiss linger for a few moments, before she pulled away from Hana and, with the smile still on her lips, replied: [color=922b2b][b]“Yes.”[/b][/color] If Hana managed to peel her eyes off of Hailey long enough to take in the room around her, she would find that the decor confirmed that Hailey was exactly what she’d presented herself as. On the walls were posters of Deathadder, the wrestler Hailey had mentioned, and the shelf above her vanity table had no less than four Dragonball Z figures (Future Trunks, Broly, Majin Vegeta, and Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku were the most prominent and largest). The television hanging on the wall, though the volume was low, was playing a rerun of Mobile Suit Gundam Wing. Hailey took a step back, letting go of Hana and holding something out, a black lace necklace, with a blue heart pendant on it. [color=922b2b][b]“Put this on.”[/b][/color] Hailey said, her face suddenly very serious. [color=922b2b][b]“And never take it off.”[/b][/color] To think she had been mostly kidding with her comment. When Hailey initiated the kiss, Hana was damn near close to dropping her uniform to the floor and just going all in; she settled instead for a mild re-do of the kiss in the car. The hand that hadn’t been holding onto a hanger held Hailey by the arm for the duration of the kiss; a bit of the direct, sensual contact that Hana had bungled before. If that had been the only event that transpired the whole endeavour would have been worth it just for those wonderful seconds. When finally lips parted, Hana was wordless and slipping back into that stunned silence that thankfully had her coming off as more cute than annoying. Would she ever get used to that? To kissing Hailey? God did she ever hope so. It wasn’t until Hailey placed the necklace forward that Hana was brought back to reality, the dulcet tones of Rumi Ohishi singing “It’s Just Love” playing from the television being a rather perfect bit of coincidental ambiance. [color=ff69b4][b]”Oh my god, Hailey, you didn’t have to...I mean I love it...but...I didn’t get you anything. I...I..it’s beautiful.”[/b][/color] Hana took the necklace, admired the blue pendant in the light, and did as she was told. A perfect fit, the band closing around her neck like a glove, the heart pendant resting snug on her collar. [color=ff69b4][b]”I think it matches my eyes. Thank you, Hailey. You didn’t have to…”[/b][/color] Hailey seemed to relax as the necklace was locked around Hana’s neck. Once it was in place, Hailey nodded her agreement. [color=922b2b][b]“I think it does to. You don’t have to get me anything; bringing yourself here was more than enough.”[/b][/color] She shrugged her shoulders as she strolled back over to her bed and took a seat on the edge of it. She turned her attention back to Hana and once again, the smile was back on her lips. [color=922b2b][b]“Of course I had to. You deserve it, and you more than earned it.”[/b][/color] Hailey reached up to her hair, slowly twirling a lock of it around her finger. Now that Hana was here, Hailey simply had to get down to business. [color=922b2b][b]“Okay. Let’s see what you look like in that uniform.”[/b][/color] Hailey said, gesturing toward the uniform that Hana was holding onto. [color=922b2b][b]“But be warned, I’ll be very handsy, depending on how good you look.”[/b][/color] Now, Hailey had an idea of how good Hana would look in the outfit, but the truth was? It didn’t really matter either way how good she looked. Hailey was going to get handsy. That was the whole point. [color=922b2b][b]“And I have to stress this, remember that however this night goes is completely on you. I brought you here because of the mood you put me in with pictures,”[/b][/color] Hailey went so far as to wink at Hana, leaning forward. [color=922b2b][b]“And I’ll keep you so long as you can handle me when I’m in this sort of mood.”[/b][/color] The gauntlet had been very blatantly thrown down. No, Hana, this was not a normal sleepover. There would be no makeovers, or gossip. Right. The uniform. It was still trailing behind her but in the span of seconds after her arrival, Hana had damn near forgot about it. An impromptu sort of fashion show for an audience of one. There was a slight difference from the texts earlier and that was the simple fact that Hailey was in the room with her this time. Being alone but speaking to another was slightly easier than being in such close proximity. There was hesitation, a calming of the nerves and Hana internally shouting at the increased beat of her heart to get it to settle down, but the conclusion was reached all the same. Hailey had already seen all of Hana. [color=ff69b4][b]”Hopefully it’s better than the pictures.”[/b][/color] She was bad at small talk, but she was trying and talk was cheap anyway. Hana almost asked where the bathroom was so she could go change, but she wasn’t that naive. Nor was she that prudish. [color=ff69b4][b]”But you might want to take some for [i]posterior[/i]-ity.”[/b][/color] Hana was proud of that pun. She wore it on her smile. What she didn’t wear was her camisole, which she hurriedly removed and tossed aside, though she handled it like she was in her room swapping to casualwear or pajamas, which was boring, With the sounds of mecha anime guiding her, Hana’s dressing down of her shorts was handled with slow shakes of her hips left and right. She was emulating what she assumed a striptease was like, albeit one done in front of someone instead of on someone’s lap. Hana even made a show of slowly leaning forward - after turning her back to Hailey - to pick up her uniform, which she was equally as slow when rising back to a standing posture. The uniform wasn’t full, she didn’t have her cleats or the socks, but she did have the top, which had the colors of the school and ‘BEVERLY HILLS’ embroidered along the front. Hana didn’t button the top, wearing it like a jacket without an undershirt. But the part that mattered were the pants, navy in color, which she put on agonizingly slowly. It had been worth it, given that the perk of the uniform pants were a rather snug fit particularly in the waist and hips. The pants did Hana many favors when it came to the rear view, but it hadn’t added anything that wasn’t already there, just made it far more prominent. [color=ff69b4][b]”So? What do you think? Not bad, right?”[/b][/color] Hailey watched as Hana stripped off her clothes for her, and she did the only logical thing. Wordlessly, Hailey licked her lips. If she had been thirsty from the text messages, now she was [i]hungry[/i]. Hana hadn’t quenched her thirst, she’d only made it [i]worse[/i], it almost wasn’t fair. Maybe it had been too long since Hailey had been in a situation like this, or maybe there was an untold connection between the two of them. Or, maybe still, it was the fact that Hana was so obviously virginal; Hailey had a feeling she would soon understand why Shauna liked it so much. Nevertheless, fuck Shauna. When Hana was finally done and asked the question, Hailey knew that she couldn’t answer with words. This type of thing required [i]action[/i]. She stood up from her seat on the edge of the bed and stepped across the way to to Hana, and helped herself to a handful or two while placing her lips against Hana’s. She gently walked them backward as she broke away from the kiss. [color=922b2b][b]“Bed. Now.”[/b][/color] Hailey said, spinning them so that she was on top. She pushed Hana back so she fell onto the bed, and crawled on top… And in what seemed like minutes, the clock struck midnight. Hana’s phone rang, and Hailey grabbed it, tapping the red button to decline the call. When it rang again, she made a face like she might smash it against the wall for distracting her, but she ultimately picked it up and hit the answer call button, placing it against her ear. [color=922b2b][b]“Who’s calling at this hour, honestly?”[/b][/color] [b]”This doesn’t sound like Hana.”[/b] The voice on the phone was that of Abby Park, Hana’s often overbearing but well meaning sister who had given Hana the benefit of the doubt and waited fifteen minutes after curfew to call Hana’s number. [b]”This is Abby, Hana’s sister. It’s after one in the morning and she knows she has a curfew. Who is this I’m speaking to, and could you put Hana on the phone, please?”[/b] [color=922b2b][b]“She has a curfew?”[/b][/color] Hailey asked, raising an eyebrow down at Hana, before speaking back into the phone, [color=922b2b][b]“I’m Hailey, Hana’s… friend. Hana can’t really talk right now, her hands are tied…”[/b][/color] Hailey said in an apologetic tone, smiling as she looked down at Hana and brushed a lock of sweaty hair out of her eyes. [color=922b2b][b]“May I take a message? She plans to stay the night here, though. But we’ll get her to school on time. Perhaps early.”[/b][/color] [b]”I didn’t know Hana had a friend named Hailey.”[/b] The surprise was clear in Abby’s voice even through the phone. From her unique position, Hana’s eyes widened, she had a hunch who it was when she saw the time and heard the ring tone, but hearing Hailey mention curfew was all the proof she needed. If she wasn’t actively texting Hailey, she was going to have to turn the damn thing off. [b]”I’m sure you will get her to school but I’d still like to hear from her. I insist, actually. She didn’t tell me so I’d like to hear it from her.”[/b] Hailey sighed, [color=922b2b][b]“Oh, very well.”[/b][/color] She reached down and pulled the balled up pair of panties she’d stuffed in Hana’s mouth out and held the phone to her ear. [color=922b2b][b]“It’s your sister. Something about a curfew? Hurry up.”[/b][/color] Hailey said, looking over her shoulder at the clock. [i]Eventually,[/i] they had to actually sleep… Hana took a moment just to let the air into her mouth with a sudden inhalation. She couldn’t exactly hold the phone or even do much except speak - but when Hailey said ‘hurry up’ Hana had every intention of being as swift as possible. [color=ff69b4][b]”Hey, Abs. Hailey’s a friend. She invited some of the team for a little sleepover and I just forgot to tell you. I’ll be home tomorrow. Lov-”[/b][/color] Unfortunately for Hana, Hailey got fed up, and Hana’s mouth was suddenly full again and Hailey pulled the phone away, clicking the end call button. [color=922b2b][b]“Mmm, so many distractions, Hana. I think you’re in trouble again.”[/b][/color] This time, Hailey went so far to shut the phone all the way off, throwing it off to the side with a shake of her head. She leaned down and kissed Hana’s forehead. [color=922b2b][b]“In trouble or not, you’re being wonderful.”[/b][/color] Wonderful. She said wonderful. If Hana was able to move her mouth more freely, she’d no doubt be beaming like she got a passing grade on a tough exam. The compliment was enough to distract her from what sort of trouble she was in - not that she was dreading that aspect either. Trouble had been part of the reason why her hands were, as Hailey suggested, [i]tied[/i] but where Hana initially was wary, she’d been pleasantly surprised that she wasn’t hating this, or the notion of trouble. She damn near liked it. But none of that mattered in that moment. What had mattered was Hailey saying that Hana was wonderful. That feeling was so utterly mutual.[/indent]