[hider=Sinna - WORK IN PROGRESS][center] [img]https://image.ibb.co/fmtTRS/123.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180219/6bfbfaec0066d1fe4def2a285d0d287f.png[/img][/center] [hr][hr][center] [b][color=EDD5DF]-Race-[/color][/b] Geminite [b][color=EDD5DF]-Age-[/color][/b] 19 [b][color=EDD5DF]-Element-[/color][/b] Earth [b][color=EDD5DF]-Height-[/color][/b] 5'6 [hr][b][color=EDD5DF]-Bio-[/color][/b] Her five older sister all made it past the reaping, unfortunately Sinna would not be so lucky. [b][color=EDD5DF]-Adult Content Preference-[/color][/b] We can take it to PMs or fade to black. I don't really have a preference. [b][color=EDD5DF]-Other-[/color][/b][/center] [hider=Family] [img]https://image.ibb.co/jJgh37/22.png[/img] [b]Jovan Lavendis[/b] - Father. Age 67. Tailor. Jovan had always loved Zinra ever since they were children. Even after her fall and head injury, he still loved her. They married very young. He is a man of a few words, but very passionate about his work, and caring towards his family. [b]Zinra Lavendis [i]nee[/i] Nolbrae[/b] - Mother. Age 65. Dyer & Weaver. Zinra is what some people would call mad. After falling from a tree when she was fourteen the blow to her head changed her. She claimed to hear the gods voices in the breeze, during rainstorms, and from the trees. After Alba was born, the Midwife told Zinra she would be unable to bare anymore children. As she always believed that her youngest daughter would be taken during the reaping, for almost ten years she drilled it into young Alba's head that she was going to be stolen away by the Drakkan. By some miracle Siniophe and Thallan were born, and her [i]warnings[/i] were now aimed at Sinna. Overall she is a good mother even though she hears voices no one else can. Sinna loves her dearly. Zinra does not care for social norms or how other people see her, she is very eccentric, and even in her madness she is clearly wise. ---- [b]Thoosa Damriu [i]nee[/i] Lavendis[/b] - Sister. Age 39. Occupation Seamstress. Thoosa resembles her father most out of her siblings. She has the same mossy green eyes, and golden curls as he. Her personality in one word would be reserved. Thoosa was twenty years old and all ready married when Sinna was born. They are not very close due to this age gap, but it's clear they love each other as families do. [b]Avraenoth Damriu[/b] - Brother in Law. Age 44. Herbalist. He is originally from southern Gemina, and you can tell by his thick accent. He came to Andula city with his older brothers when he was seventeen. The story goes that he fell in love at first sight of Thoosa, and a year later they married. [b]Meryl Damriu[/b] - Niece. Age 19. Apprentice Midwife. Rather then work for her father, and become a herbalist Meryl chose to become a midwife after helping with the birth of her cousin Sylshia. She is three months older then Sinna, and they have been best friends since they were babies. Meryl is a very headstrong and feisty young woman, but also a geniune cry baby shen she is scared. [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/9a/62/90/9a6290f10e3aa40d1fe15ffe4ee2270f.jpg]X[/url] [color=7ea7d8][i](If you want to play her and a make Gem bride CS, feel free.)[/i][/color] [b]Ethimei Damriu[/b] - Niece. Age 15. Apprentice Herbalist. Ethimei is very shy, and introverted. She is also one of the most selfless and caring girl Sinna knows. ---- [b]Faniara Allium [i]nee[/i] Lavendis[/b] - Sister. Age 37. Work and lives with her husband and son on their family lavender farm, located just outside Andula City. She has red hair like their mother Zinra. Her eyes are the same light green eyes as Sinna's, and she is the tallest of the 6 sisters. After giving birth to her son Gavan, she refused to have anymore children in fear of having a daughter that would be stolen away in the future. She is rather vain, and still paranoid that the Drakkan will steal her away because of her beauty even though she is well above age. [b]Tozius Allium[/b] - Brother in Law. Age 34. Lavender Farmer. Owns the largest lavender farm in Gemina, and thus makes enough money to live above the means of an average farmer. He dotes on his wife with gifts, and has spoiled his son rotten since he was a baby. [b]Gavan Allium[/b] - Nephew. Age 13. He is a spoiled little jerk, who spends most of his time slacking off, or running around the city with his friends. He enjoys pulling pranks on his younger cousins. ---- [b]Halissa Lavendis[/b] - Sister. Age 35. Priestess. Chose to become a Priestess when she was seventeen believing the gods would spare her from the annual reaping for being devout. She moved to the northern city of Nimbia five years ago, and helps run the orphanage with some fellow priestesses. She has become heavy set with age, and keeps her strawberry blonde hair chopped short. Her eyes are dark blue, and framed by long lashes. ---- [b]Inula Farvyre [i]nee[/i] Lavendis[/b] - Sister. Age 30. Housewife. Inula resembles their mother most, with the same pin straight red hair, and periwinkle blue eyes. She is very motherly, and has always been the one looking out for her siblings, she is also quite the nag if you don't do what she tells you. She is pregnant with her fourth child at the moment, and hopes its a boy. [b]Elryn Farvyre[/b] - Brother in Law. Age 37. Perfumer. [b]Sylshia Farvyre[/b] - Niece. Age 8. [b]Albion Farvyre[/b] - Nephew. Age 6. [b]Linsyra Farvyre[/b] - Niece. Age 2. ---- [b]Alba Lavendis[/b] - Sister. Age 28. Dyer & Weaver. Works with her mother and grandfather Durlan in family business. Her grandfather has promised to hand over the business if she concedes to marry her second cousin Courtland Nolbrae. She doesn't plan on ever marrying so things are at a stand still. For the first ten years of her life, her mother contently told her she would be taken by the Drakken. Alba poured boiling oil on herself when she was eight in the hopes of making herself ugly. She has scaring down the left side of her face, on her neck and left shoulder due to this. She has blonde hair, that she always keeps in a braid down her back. Her eyes are a mix of blue green, and she is the shortest girl in her family. When Siniophe was born Alba did her best to keep her mothers beliefs away from Sinna. Alba is a very independent woman, and tends to be more pessimistic and grumpy then her sisters. [url=https://78.media.tumblr.com/086580a1ec860b562030b91b1823efff/tumblr_p2ry48onIL1uc8o69o1_1280.jpg]X[/url] ---- [b]Thallan Lavendis[/b] - Twin Brother. Age 18. Apprentice Apothecarist. He is furious that Sinna was taken, he and many others are demanding a stop to the reaping, but it seems to be falling on def ears. He is more then likely to join up with those rebelling. Thallan and Sinna were always very close. Where Thallan is flippant, brash, and full of sarcasm, Sinna tends to be the opposite. He has periwinkle blue eyes like their mother, and the same golden curls as their father. It has always been a running joke in the family, that he is pretty enough to be mistaken for as a girl. Thus to combat his [i]"girly"[/i] face he has finally grown a proper beard over this last year. [hr] [u][b]Extended Paternal Family[/b][/u] [i]The Lavendis family was once made up of farmers, minors, and earth masons. But Teo didn't follow tradition and when he married Kimbra he chose to become a Tailor, and inherit his in-laws family business in Andula. The Lavendis family is extraordinary good at hiding their daughters during the reaping. A over the past 90 years not one Lavendis girl has been stanched away, that is until Siniophe.[/i] [b]Teo Lavendis[/b] - Grandfather. Age 94. Tailor. He runs a large Tailor shop in Andula city, with the help of his granddaughters Opaline, and Thoosa. His oldest Son Jovan is the co-owner and head tailor. His wife's fame as a royal dressmaker helped make the shop what it is today. [b]Kimbra Lavendis [i]nee[/i] Echorn[/b] - Grandmother. Age 90. Retired Royal Dressmaker. Kimbra made a name for herself as a dressmaker to the Andula nobles when she was only 23. By the time she married Teo she was given the title of Royal Dressmaker, and has since made dozen of gowns for the Royals over the decades. She is now retired. ---- [b]Keenan Lavendis[/b] - Uncle. Age 60. Draper. Owns his own draper shop in small town called Korbi. The town is about a days journey from Andula City, and better known for it's copper mine. His wife and youngest daughter help run it. [b]Phyrra Lavendis [i]nee[/i] Veverell[/b] - Aunt in law. Age 55. Shopkeeper. [b]Ganamede Lavendis[/b] - Cousin. Age 27. Stone Mason. Goes from city to city for work building castles and bridges. [b]Opaline Lavendis[/b] - Cousin. Age 27. Seamstress. Works for her grandfather Teo. [b]Leander Lavendis[/b] - Cousin. Age 24. Miner. Works in the Korbi town copper mine. His girlfriend was taken in the reaping five years ago. Still super depressed about it, and daydreams about finding and freeing her. [b]Azariah Lavendis[/b] - Cousin. Age 22. Shop Assistant. [hr] [u][b]Extended Maternal Family[/b][/u] [i]The Nolbrae family hails mainly from Andula City and the surrounding areas. They are a family of weavers, and have been cloth dyers since before written history. They are well known in parts of Gemina for their famous intricately woven fabrics. The Nolbrae families particular dyes, and dyeing process are a family secret, and passed down from parent to child. They also specialize in weaving the rare fragile Andula silk, which is one of the most lavish fabrics in Gemina. Thus the Nolbrae family has acquired quite a bit of wealth over the centuries selling their luxury cloths to nobles.[/i] [b]Durlan Nolbrae[/b] - Grandfather. Age 90. Dyer & Weaver. He was training Siniophe in the ways Nolbrae dyeing, and weaving before she was taken. He is planning on retiring soon, and passing the business down to his granddaughter Alba once he convinces her to marry his great grand-nephew Courtland Nolbrae. [b]Citrina Nolbrae [i]nee[/i] Immeril[/b] - Grandmother. Deceased Age 30. Citrina was from a small village in the mountains where the custom was to [url=https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/053bf031f02e1b836aafda06ba732b5e/5B08BAD0/t51.2885-15/e35/p320x320/25014927_750005411855575_2916848149119107072_n.jpg]scar[/url] all baby girls faces to keep them from the reaping. She kept up this tradition with her two oldest daughters Zinra, and Syviis. But died giving birth to Katari. Thus baby Katari was never was subjected to the scarification. The Immeril family can trace their line back to the first Gem bride. Citrina believed that she and all Immeril woman are cursed, since in every generation the youngest daughter is always reaped. Just as her youngest sister was, and her mother's little sister before her. Zinra also believe in the curse. ---- [b]Syviis Nolbrae[/b] - Aunt. Age 63. Silk Merchant. She runs the business side of the Nolbrae families fabrics. Travels from city to city selling, and making trades. ---- [b]Katari Nolbrae[/b] - Aunt. Deceased Age 17. Katari was taken for the reaping when she was 17. Yulkor later chose her and two other brides for himself. Eleven months later she died from hemorrhaging after giving birth to her son Greghor. [b]Yulkor Asteivok[/b] - Drakkan Uncle in law. Age 262. He is a Drakkan general. [b]Greghor Asteivok[/b] - Drakkan Cousin. Age 45. Following in his father footsteps. [/hider] [hider=Andula City Facts] [url=https://image.ibb.co/dasbyH/popo.png]Andula City[/url] is located in the east of Gemina. The city is named after it's founder Andula Veverell, but it is also known as Lavender City due to the lavender farms that surrounded the outside of the city. And Lavender products being one of its main exports. It is best known for its production of textiles, and perfumes. It's other big exports are copper, stone, spices, flax, cotton, wool, sheep, herbs, luxury cloths, and it is the only place you can get rare Andula Silk. The majority of Gemina nobles get their gowns and such from the master couturier of Andula. It is the fourth largest city in Gemina. The city is governed by a small council of five appointed nobles, and leaders of the local guilds. Andula architecture resembles art nouveau with a mixes of other styles found throughout Gemina. There are many colorful mosaic walls, winding crystal spires, fountains, stained glass windows, and lush gardens decorating the beautiful city. Since the city is famous for its cloth and clothing designers most of the royal fashion trends start in Andula. Long flowy dresses are all the rage. Lots of colorful fabrics decorated with ribbons, embroidery, and beading. Wide drooping sleeves, feathers, and ruffles have been catching on lately. [/hider] [/hider]