[@SupernovaBlitz] I'm not really speaking on behalf of the GM, more for myself I guess. I don't understand the importance of having your character [i]in love[/i] with his starter Pokemon unless you wanted to [i]explore[/i] that relationship beyond what the current players are doing (which is just the trainers treating their Pokemon like friends and pets). This is a light-heart adventure and a coming-of-age story and I feel like exploring past a normal relationship doesn't fit, like [i]at all[/i]. Even if there may have been one character out of the thousands in the anime who loved his Pokemon, I imagine it was something that was lightly implied, at best, and probably more fan speculation. I am sure there are plenty of other Roleplays on this site that will allow you to explore a relationship like that but I would very much prefer you keep it there and not here.