[hider=Krik][center][img]https://img00.deviantart.net/80a7/i/2012/184/e/f/lizard_shaman_by_jjpeabody-d55t68i.jpg[/img] [h1][color=0072bc]Krik, The Lizardfolk[/color][/h1][/center] [h3][color=0072bc]Profile[/color][/h3] [indent][color=dimgray]Krik is a blue skinned hairless reptile, clad in a short robe. He is twenty one years old, his short-lived species rarely living longer than fifty years. His long tail makes up nearly half his body length, it is detachable in case of serious danger, taking two weeks to grow back entirely. His frame is slender and scaly, parts of it dotted with light grey patches of color. Standing roughly five and a half feet in height when on two feet, the diminutive lizard-man does not throw around his weight often. He walks with his hardy wooden staff in hand, when on all fours it slips onto his back. Around his shoulder swings a leather parcel full of tools and papers. His long two pronged tongue often flickers out from his mouth, sensing the environment around him. [/color][/indent] [h3][color=0072bc]Biography[/color][/h3] [indent][color=dimgray]Always a quiet child ever since he was a hatchling, Krik was born into a nest with his twenty other siblings in the hotter desert area of Terra. His parents left as soon as Krik and his kin emerged from their shells. A lizardfolk's life is an independent one, and one they must fight for the moment they are hatched. The agile Krik made a beeline for a cavern, taking refuge there as natural predators began to descend upon his brothers and sisters. The reptile reached adulthood by his fifth year, one of the few benefits of being a short-lived being. His youngest years were spent feeding on small insects and avoiding predators, growing with each passing year. He never knew his siblings, nor his parents, the solitude never hitting him until his older days. Exposed to radiation early on, Krik was lucky to live and managed to develop powers. Even as has grown older he has yet to understand them completely. It was partly was what led him into becoming a medicine man, his magical talents enabling him to heal injuries, mend broken bones and effectively save lives. More debilitating illness and afflictions are beyond his abilities, as is death. He is a healer, not a necromancer. The curious lizard has spent many years traveling the land of Terra, exploring and healing people across towns and villages. A kindhearted being, Krik never demanded exorbitant fees for his services, often healing beggars and orphans free of charge. Money is not something which concerns nor interests him greatly, as long as he is able to purchase essentials such as food then he does not worry about monetary things. Krik has kept a constant journal of his travels, detailing extensively the illnesses and ailments he's encountered. In his wandering he has managed to avoid serious danger, a fine tuned sense of smell and sharpened eyes allowing him to avoid direct combat. An admitted pacifist, Krik has pledged to save life, never to take one. He always tries to avoid combat, not out of cowardice but rather due to intense dislike of it. Knowing fully of his short lifespan, the lizardman continues to explore and heal those in need, satisfying his curious mind. [/color][/indent] [h3][color=0072bc]Relationships[/color][/h3] [indent][color=dimgray][list][*][b]Family[/b] - Krik has never met a single one of his relatives, nor would he even recognize them if he met them. [*] He has traveled through many smaller settlements across Terra, his status as a healer making him friends of those he's healed. [/list] TBA other relationships. [/color][/indent][/hider]