[CENTER][img]https://media.giphy.com/media/dqmsYsoJe6LC/giphy.gif[/img][/CENTER] [INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3][color=6AA16A]L U C A S M Y E R S[/color][/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]Wednesday, August 15[SUP]th[/SUP] - 09:00 AM | Los Angeles, California | Interacting with [b]Riley Ridgeway[/b] [sub][@Nallore][/sub][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Lucas rummaged through his pockets to pull out his phone, trying to open up to a notepad to type everything out quickly since she spoke without consideration to his slow movements. Although, he was a doctor in the making so his mind was used to collecting knowledge and storing them for when necessary. As he began to type out her location and phone number, a loud, constant car horn could be heard from directly behind him, notifying him to go since the traffic began to pick up. Lucas pressed on the gas and maneuvered his way through the traffic before realizing that Riley had vanished from his car. [color=6AA16A]"Shit,"[/color] Lucas muttered to himself as he looked down at his phone to only see six digits typed out. He began to speak the number out loud to try and jog his memory, but this caused a weird illusion to occur. As he was trying to focus on driving and memorizing the number he gave her, the numbers around him began to change to what he was thinking. License plates, exit signs, the digital clock in the car, they were all shifted to the same sequence of numbers that were dependent on his mind. Lucas quickly dialed the number and added it to his address book which, in turn, ended the strange occurrence. Pulling up the studio on his GPS, he followed the instructions and made it to the studio, locating a restaurant that would hopefully be the one that Riley mentioned. Parking his car, he hesitated before getting out, questioning if the events were even real. Lucas dialed the number she gave him, hoping it would be her on the other end.[/indent][/indent] [hr][hr] [CENTER][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb2zsfYpOy1rt2432.gif[/img][/CENTER] [INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3][color=A34541]L A N A A L L A I R E[/color][/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]Wednesday, August 15[SUP]th[/SUP] - 01:00 PM | New York City, New York | Interacting with Emmie Adams[sub][@Nallore][/sub][/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] [INDENT][INDENT]Everything the girl said to Lana would be stored in her mind like a case file. Lana's eyes looked her up and down to get a full examination of her appearance. Emmie Adams - long blonde hair, short, slender physique, light skin tone, brown eyes, tattered clothing, and looks to be in her late teenage years, or early twenties. Lana furrowed her brows in confusion when Emmie mentioned that she got really sick a few months ago. Why was this information important for Emmie to share with Lana? Judging from the peculiarity of the event, perhaps her mentioned illness shared the same level of strangeness -- much like Lana's illness. Emmie's next statement was much more random with her sarcastic suggestion that she was her long lost sister from an alternate dimension. Lana scoffed lightly before replying, [color=A34541]"While I'm getting used to strange things happening, I'm not sure if I'll believe that assumption in particular."[/color] Lana hesitated before answering Emmie's questions about her identity. It was only fair that Lana would share information about herself, especially if Lana wanted Emmie to open up. In hopes that the conversation would lead to answers for Lana to indulge in, she answered openly and honestly, [color=A34541]"My name is Agent Lana Allaire, and I work for the FBI. You're at a field office in New York City, and I'm not sure why you're here or how you got in,"[/color] Lana crossed her arms and ran the event in her mind again to focus on the strange instances that stood out, [color=A34541]"You seem to be as confused as I am about the situation. What exactly do you know? Can you explain why nobody else can see you, or why my fellow agent went completely through you as if you're merely a hologram?"[/color] While Emmie expressed as much confusion as Lana, she still didn't let her guard down in case she was still a hostile threat. Perhaps this is the same thing that was happening to the girl at the coffee shop and other people were viewing in their dreams, but Lana was sure that it wouldn't result in her own death. Lana took a few steps back and leaned against the desk in the office.[/indent][/indent]