[center][b] The Beginning of the End [/b][/center] It started off real quietly, so much so that by the time the world discovered the Z18 and Z19 virus, it was already too late. A major portion of the world had already become infected with either of the viruses. The Z18 could be transferred from person to animal and from animal to person, but it would only turn people and, weirdly enough, some deer species. The Z19 was airborne and this one effected more species, a number of varying birds and people. Those that remained fell into two categories, these survivors were either immune or carriers, and with most of the medical practitioners among the dead there were few who could diagnose which person was which. The number of living human beings went from seven billion to tens of millions in a matter of months, this number has only continued to decrease as the survivors fall to the dead and the living. All of whom are desperate to scrape out their own survival. Among these survivors a few people with the natural given talent of leadership have rounded up a number of survivors and started rebuilding the old world in their image. They each started small, but as their group survived and their numbers increased, eventually they were able to take control of a small patch of territory which only continued to increase in size, complexity, and population. --------------------------------- Things to keep note of are resources. Where do you get your water? Where do you get your food? Where do you get your building materials? Where do you get clothing? Please answer the above questions in your first post across your timeline. Also you are encouraged to answer some of these questions below. Do you have laws? What sort of community are you building? What is its "government"? What is your community's view on killing the undead? Are you trying to recreate a peaceful community inside your walls that shies away from the darkness beyond and focuses on bettering the livelihoods of all or are you building a hardier and more militaristic community? What do you do to keep the community busy? Are there weekly events? Sports? The human is a complex organism and requires complex maintenance.