Even at three hundred meters the explosion was impressive. A great cloud of dust flew skyward as the charges, placed according to Loney celtic advice, crumbled the ancient monolith. Junebug wondered what her mother would think of destroying an ancient and possibly unique structure. A tight grin tugged at the corner of her mouth. Whatever Ria Cassani Cykali thought of the destruction of architecture, she would doubtlessly be more upset at the though of the wholesale slaughter of the villagers, which was Junebug's next option. "Well you don't see that everyday," Taya said over the net. Junebug frowned for a moment, there was no way that Taya could see the destruction from... ah, a red telltale on her HUD indicated that the girl was importing the view from Junebug's scope to the monitor in the Jeep. Sayeeda hadn't told her how to do that but evidently the former aristocrat was putting her time to good use. "Keep the net clear Taya," Junebug said in gentle reproach. Reaching up she touched a toggle on her helmet changing the display from thermal to millimeter radar. Both views could cut through the pall of dust but the radar return, properly interpreted but her helmet AI, gave better fine detail than the blurs of pastel heat did. Peering through the scope she waited for the right moment. ___________________________________ The crowd of natives screamed in fear, others tore at their hair and still others fled. Several took uneasy steps towards Wetumpkah their faces an agony of indecision. Those closet to the pair of Shaman's were clearly harder and more loyal than their cohorts, the raised their weapons in bar of their fellows and Wetumpkah began to recover his confidence. "They desecrate our shrines, destroy our homes and defile our women!" he roared, raising his arms to harangue the crowd once more. "They are false Starmen! Cursed by Rakeeri!" The Holy man screamed spittle flying from his mouth so great was his rage. "Kill them and avenge the fallen they stole from us!" The Shaman raised his stone axe and pointed it at Neil. Quetzalli stepped before the pilot her own arms raised. "He is the chosen of Rakeeri!" The girl shouted, her voice surprisingly clear and carrying in the commotion. She seized Neil's hand and lifted it high for all to see, showing the strange tattoo to the crowd. The distant mountain top light with sudden scarlet fire as Junebug, listening to the conversation through the commo net, detonated the bundled flares they had placed there. The top of the mountain flickered with pale red flame. "Rakeeri!" the girl shouted, dark eyes pale and triumphant! A second flicker of fire rolled from the mountain top and then a third as she raised both arms to the heavens. One of the villagers sank to her knees in the dirt, eyes fearful. Then a second and a third. "No! NO! NO!" screetched Wetumpkah in desperation but it did no good. Within a few seconds only the two Shaman remained standing. The volcano exploded in light as Junebug detonated the remaining store of explosives simultaneously. Crying out the larger shaman threw himself into the dirt. "You will not take her from me!" Wetumpkah screamed and before anyone could react hurled his axe at Neil. Without thinking Quetzalli through herself in font of Neil, the heavy stone axe sinking into her body with a sickening crunch and a scream of pain. Wetumpkah's chest exploded in a cyan flash as Junebug's plasma bolt caught him at the base of the breastbone. The Shaman was pitched several feet backwards by the blast that filled the night with a mist of blood and cooking meat. [@POOHEAD189]