[@Super Duper] [center]The pleasant summer air was suddenly split by a single sound. It was the opening of a door. Not a car door, but the large, glazed oak door on the front of the grand mansion that towered before Maddison. [img]https://image.ibb.co/hxG6Fx/image.jpg[/img] The door slowly came open, swinging around tenderly without so much as a squeak on it's oiled hinges. The door now stood wide open, and a woman came striding out. A short woman in a black and white outfit with a simple apron at front, and tied around her waist over the apron was a kind of belt from which several objects hung from thin loop-like straps. A dust rag, a spray bottle, a sponge, and a small can of windex. She was a maid, clear and obvious. As she briskly approached, her gaze locked tightly on Maddison. She had long blonde hair tied into a tight bun, and her eyes were a piercing ice blue, her slightly wrinkled face had a rather sympathetic motherly look to it. She was noticeably shorter than Maddison by a good two inches or so. She now stood before Maddison, her arms held firmly at her sides. Her stern motherly face softened into a sweet smile as she looked into Maddison's face. "You must be Maddison," she said, breaking the silence,"my name is Beatrice, it's so good to see you." Her voice was sweet like honey, and her tone was gentle and kind. [/center]