Yeah, I second Kaz in saying that that is a creative concept. No need to remove it, really. [@TheHeretic], as for the ranks for the regulars who actually fought in formation during the Roman period, I believe that the lowest rank available in a Roman Legion is the Decanus, which is a commander of an 10-man unit, two of whom are helpers, the other eight are foot soldiers. The next lowest would be the Optio, who command 60-man units, so essentially similar to a Lieutenant or Captain in the modern era. Then, of course, there's the more popular Centurion, who command 100 men each (but there are different types of Centurions in the Roman Legions), 20 of whom are helpers, and the remaining eighty are foot soldiers. The most popular subtype of Centurion is the Primus Pilus, who commands a double-strength cohort instead of a single century, which is 800 soldiers and 200 helpers. I hope that helped at least a bit.