[Center][color=00ccff][h2]❀[u][b]Emma[/b][/u]❀[/h2][/color][/center] [center]&[/center] [H2][center]☽[color=99004d]Masha [/color]☾[/center][/h2] [center][b]Arc 2 Day 1[/b] [i]{One Night in Hell club | Around 7 pm }[/i] [@Demonic Angel][/center] Masha watched him come over, eyebrow quirked up in expiration for him to notice his girlfriend sitting right there. But the boy seemed oblvious to what was right in front of his face just then. She'd say his head was in the clouds, but that didn't seem very like Killian either. "Oh no, nothing wrong at all," she purred playfully, reaching a hand over to the woman sitting next to her just then. "Just wanted to introduce you to my friend here. I think you and she would get along so well." Emma for her part just sat silently and waited for Killian to look at her, her expression between concerned and amusement. [center]{} {} {} [/center] [@13org] Rich couldn't help his green eyed following her tongue along her lips, catching the glint of sharper than normal canines in her mouth. “Yeah…” he agreed a little breathlessly, nodding his head slightly. “Try new…[i]bolder[/i] things…” He shook his head clear and turned his back on her for a moment to grab at a few bottles and things behind him. When he turned back he grabbed a mixer cup and started his work. It was obvious that despite his age, he one very well what he was doing. The ease at which he poured, measured, mixed, and generally moved about behind the bar was something that was almost natural looking despite his size. He looked more like he should have been standing watch at the door instead of serving drinks. As he worked he still talked, only sounding slightly distracted. “As much as that sounds nice,” he started in reply to her request to move over to a closer, cozier place, “I can't. Gotta work still.” He handed her a short glass filled with an [url=https://www.liquor.com/recipes/hearts-of-pom/] red drink[/url] and an expectant smirk on his face.