[hr] [center][h3]Name: Sevro Barca Faction: Addisons Ship: HMS Fuck Off Location: Uranus[/h3][/center] Sevro watched for a second as the police backed his frigate out of the dock it had been stationed at. Finally he came out of his shock and started sprinting towards his ship yelling. [color=39b54a]“Stop! Stop! That's my ship ya taking!”[/color] The first officer he came up forced him to stop. “Calm down citizen, what is the problem?” [color=39b54a]“Your fucking stealing my ship!!! What the hell do you think is my problem!”[/color] At that remark the officer began to pull out his handcuffs. “I'm going to need you to come with m-” Sevro stepped aside as the officer collapsed to the ground unconscious from the blow to his head. Shaking his hand he began to Sprint towards the edge of the docks. Pressing a button behind his ear, his helmet slid into place from under his clothes. His hud lit up and he could feel his suit start giving him a slight boost. As he reached the edge he jumped and ignited his micro boosters. Hurtling towards his ship he looked for one of the many hatches along the ships hull. As he passed one by he stuck his hand out and grabbed it. If it wasn’t for his suit his arm would have been ripped from it’s socket. Using the suits strength he ripped the door open and stepped through. As Sevro moved down the hallway towards his room he could hear police talking a floor above him. Luckily the police had yet to make it to this floor and Sevro made it to his room unnoticed. Opening the door he immediately ran to the locker where he kept his explosives. Grabbing a duffel bag that was on top of the locker, he began shoveling the explosives into the bag. After that he ran over to his bedside and grabbed his gun. Now it was time to destroy the evidence that he owned the ship. Jogging through the hallways Sevro could hear police getting closer to him. As he turned the corner he came face to face with an officer coming from the other direction. Without thinking Sevro drew his pistol and shot the officer in the shoulder. The force of the round ripped the man's shoulder off and sent it flying. Screaming the man dropped to the ground. Sevro silenced him with another shot and grabbed the man's stun baton. Putting his gun away he ran to the elevator and pressed the up button. Two officers were standing in the elevator talking when it opened up. Sevro rushed into the elevator and slammed the baton int one of the officers knees. The shock caused the man to fall to his uninjured knee. Sevro spun around and nailed the other officer in the neck, causing him to fall limp to the floor. Sevro kicked the remaining officer in the head and turned around to face the door. [color=39b54a]“Now to the bridge.”[/color]