[center][h2] [color=4F7FFF]Aiden[/color] [color=fff200]Bl[/color][color=f26522]az[/color][color=ed1c24]er[/color][color=fff200]un[/color][color=f26522]ne[/color][color=ed1c24]r[/color][/h2][/center] Their hood was up and their scarf was covering a large fraction of his face. [color=4F7FFF]”I hate the cold.”[/color] [i][color=fff200]Wh[/color][color=f26522]y [/color][color=ed1c24]no[/color][color=fff200]t [/color][color=f26522]bu[/color][color=ed1c24]rn [/color][color=fff200]th[/color][color=f26522]e [/color][color=ed1c24]to[/color][color=fff200]wn [/color][color=f26522]do[/color][color=ed1c24]wn?[/color] [color=fff200]Th[/color][color=f26522]en [/color][color=ed1c24]yo[/color][color=fff200]u'd [/color][color=ed1c24]be [/color][color=fff200]ni[/color][color=f26522]ce [/color][color=ed1c24]an[/color][color=fff200]d [/color][color=f26522]wa[/color][color=ed1c24]rm.[/color][/i] Pyro, as usual, gave his own opinion without being asked. [s]What a nice guy.[/s] Aiden just ignored him and continued to the meeting point that had been specified. They could channel a small amount of magic, but the glow would give them away instantly. [i][color=4f7fff]And I’ve run away enough.[/color][/i] He just decided to move a bit faster. Eventually, they found themselves at an old fort. [i][color=4f7fff]This place is really run down. I don’t think anyone would guess there are mages here.[/color][/i] Pyro’s demonic touch noticed the aura of magic suppression, but Aiden (who was used to the warnings and them not being true) responded sarcastically and dismissed the warning. [i][color=fff200]So[/color][color=f26522]me[/color][color=ed1c24]th[/color][color=fff200]in[/color][color=f26522]g’s [/color][color=ed1c24]wr[/color][color=fff200]on[/color][color=f26522]g.[/color] [color=4f7fff]You always think something’s wrong, you just want to burn it down.[/color] [color=fff200]Ye[/color][color=f26522]s, [/color][color=ed1c24]bu[/color][color=fff200]t [/color][color=f26522]th[/color][color=ed1c24]er[/color][color=fff200]e [/color][color=f26522]is.[/color][color=4f7fff] Mmhmm.[/color][/i] As they walked in, they noticed a wide variety of characters. One that looked like a monk with tattoos all over her bodies. An orc wearing a shaman’s outfit wielding a staff of some sort. A… catgirl? [i][color=4f7fff]I don’t know how to feel about that, other than that I want to pet her head.[/color][/i] They did so as they walked past. As they continued on, they saw a man with a shroud of fog. Curious, they walked up to him. [color=007236]”Do not fear the mist. It will not harm you. Can't have a plaguebringer lose his possible new friends now, can we?"[/color] they overheard. [color=4f7fff]”Personally, I think it’s cool. Certainly would scare off enemies. I’m Aiden,”[/color] and feeling like letting him loose a little, Aiden ceded the “controls” to Pyro for him to introduce himself. Their hair flashed bright red as Pyro spoke. [color=fff200]”An[/color][color=f26522]d [/color][color=ed1c24]I’m[/color] [color=fff200]Py[/color][color=f26522]ro.”[/color] Their hair turned back to its normal shade as Aiden took control again and stuck out their hand. [color=4f7fff]”And what’s your name?”[/color] [color=3e3a3a].[/color] [color=3e3a3a].[/color] [hider=Mentioned] [@Kidd] [@Claw2k11] [@datadogie] [@Archmage MC][/hider]