[@Dead Cruiser] looking at a couple of things though, it doesn't add up that she has never fought a nomad before. Here's a brief excerpt from the Nomads and Ki section. "The nomad has become a staple of global pop culture in the last century or so. he name 'nomad' refers to a wandering warrior with fantastical powers, a vagabond who, for one reason or another, travels the world seeking new fights and new challenges. They have epic showdowns, they participate in international martial arts tournaments, and they are features in movies, TV shows, and airport paperbacks. On Earth, there are superheroes, and supersoldiers, and ki-wielding doctors, but none of them have quite captured the public eye (or been as heavily commercialized) as the nomad." And a part of your backstory. "As a result, Makoto was a somewhat rebellious youth. She enjoyed gambling and other mild delinquent behavior, often skipped classes, and spent her weekends in nearby cities trying to pick fights with tough-looking passerby." If she went to nearby cities, wouldn't she have known about these martial arts tournaments and all these amazing and wacky fighters? Wouldn't she try to search for a nomad to fight? Regardless, until I see a revision on her fighting style, moveset, and weaknesses, I'm going to have to reject Makoto for now. [hr] [@Lmpkio] no problem, but to correct something small... you mentioned if there was a fire type nomad by him he could switch elements. I would say it's more like he tricks them into lighting up the environment with their fire in any way possible, through leading their attacks to certain items (i.e. something like a large puddle of oil) and so on. Also, I will say the reason I said Earth was default is because he could pretty easily access it in most environments. Regardless, that's all I wanted to say, but glad I could help out. [hr] Will get to the rest later, midst of class.