[@Frizan] Only thing I see wrong with that is, say I enter but decide to vote for an entry that doesn't have a lot of votes instead of the one that I think deserves it. It doesn't ensure I'll win, but it does give me and everyone else a better chance of winning. I don't think voting like this is necessarily maleficent, but if every entry has 2 votes, they might as well not vote at all. But I do agree with you that it can't really do a lot of harm to let contestants vote. At the very least, it will let other contestants share positive interactions with each other, and will be appreciated if we have a small non-contestant voter turn out like last time. However, the best type of vote will always come from a third party that has no stake in the contest. It is nice to see that you are taking feedback from people and even trying your own solutions to problems. Hopefully popularity will continue to increase, and I may one day find myself participating in one of your contests.