[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180221/bb4f24a5afaec83db5042bfedb89c472.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180221/032b2f51238ec49c7d664bb3c16b4bc0.png[/img] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/a56ada2432549a52b741897594b0cc50/tumblr_mozx0wZgrF1rda1oqo7_400.gif[/img] [sub][color=00ff99][b]Location:[/b][/color] Burntown [color=00ff99][b]Interacting With:[/b][/color] | [b]Stephen Rhett[/b] - NPC | [color=ff69b4][b]Hana Park[/b][/color] - Mentioned, [@Fabricant451] | [/sub][/center] [hr] For any and all outcasts of BHHS, the skatepark was the place to be. Burntown, is what they called it. It was where you went when you needed to buy drugs, where you went if you wanted to smoke without anyone snitching, a safe haven for all those who didn’t bow down before Hailey Green and her court. This was the rebellion. And oh was it glorious. Burntown might have been the sleaziest place in the Hills, not that that said much of anything. The place was littered with cigarette butts and half smoked joints, scuffed by hundreds of different wheels. Kids were everywhere, skating, walking, smoking. The air reeked of weed, sweat, and cigarettes. Some alt-rock was blasting from someone’s speaker, [i]The Gritz[/i], doing a shitty cover of some song that came out years ago. And yet, everyone there was happy. Quincy had thought for a while now that the preps could learn a lot from the people they looked down on, if they only pulled their heads out of their asses. Quincy strolled through the park, for the first time in a while, alone. Normally when she came here she was flanked by A Double or Wyatt, or Raf and Rose, but today, she’d decided to come alone. The rag tag group of outcasts all turned to look at her, but soon returned to their skating or smoking. Q was royalty at Burntown, but not everyone trusted her. Just because she’d been A Double’s right hand, and now his girlfriend, didn’t change the fact that she’d been a prep, one of Hailey’s little minions. Not everyone was as accepting as A Double. Quincy finally made her stop in front of a group of greasy looking guys, freshmen and sophomores mainly. She tapped one on the back, a short, mousy looking kid, wearing a beanie over his shaggy hair. Stephen Rhett. Quincy dug into her jacket pocket and pulled out a little bag of white powder, and held it out for the kid. [color=ff0066][b]”Here kid, weekly delivery,”[/b][/color] she said, her tone cold. Dealing drugs was her job, not a hobby. She wasn’t fond of it, but she did it anyways. The kid looked up at her and shook his head. [b]”Uh, didn’t you get my text? I don’t need it, I bought from someone else.”[/b] Well this was news. There were other drug dealers at school, Quincy wasn’t stupid enough to believe otherwise, but Stephen was a regular with her, as were most of the frequenters of Burntown. She gave a good price, but also, she was from the inside. That meant something to these people. Or at least it used to. Quincy stayed silent for a moment before opening her mouth, taking a second to hold in her rage. [color=ff0066][b]”Who? Who was worth leaving me behind?”[/b][/color] Quincy asked. If regulars started leaving and she didn’t do anything, her business would be shot. She quite liked the income her business brought in, so this wouldn’t fly. [b]”Hana Park. Dude, she was the go to at the Elite’s party, and her shit was good. Sorry Q, but I’ve outgrown your kid shit.”[/b] Quincy scowled and shoved Stephen, earning an uproar from his friends. [color=ff0066][b]”Fucking disloyal little prick! You want the Pizza Man’s shit so bad go and get it! Just don’t forget to pay me back for what I floated you last week, asshole!”[/b][/color] Quincy said, storming off. [b]”I don’t owe you jack shit, you prep bitch!”[/b] Quincy froze, before slowly turning around. Her face was expressionless as she sorted through what he’d just said. [color=ff0066][b]”Who the fuck do you think you are you little dweeb?!”[/b][/color] Q shouted, stalking back over to Stephen, staring him down. Stephen, to his credit, held his ground. [b]”Come on Quincy. Or should I say, Jennifer? We all know you only hang out with us because you fucked up your coup against Hailey. Otherwise, you wouldn’t even look at most of us! You might have A Double fooled, but there’s still some of us who remember what you are,”[/b] Stephen said, malice dripping off of his words. Q stood there for a second, before her fist shot out, connecting perfectly with the sophomore’s face. [color=ff0066][b]”Go fuck yourself.”[/b][/color] Quincy stormed back out of Burntown, her ego bruised, her wallet light, and her temper flaring. [color=ff0066][i]Just when you think everything is going great…[/i][/color]