[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3JiBRG7.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Location:[/b] Saturn, Saturn City[/center] Carly gave the... [i]thing[/i] that was supposed to be their pilot a good stretch of the side-eye. "I'm thinking, [i]no[/i]. Not at all. The name of the game is [i]discretion[/i]. I know how rowdy you PubSec types get, and I will have none of that here." She grimaced, mentally going through the personnel files in her head again and wondering how AdCorp thought it would be a good idea to put this group of people together in an enclosed space. And, on top of that, how she was supposed to wrangle this lot. Might get tricky... "If you promise me you'll cooperate, I'll see to it that you get a bonus on top of your payment. You keep your piece and the ship for now, but if you get outta line, that's grounds for termination. In other words, don't make me have to write a report." [hr] [color=silver][center][h1]* * * * *[/h1][/center][/color] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UUeUOj8.png[/img][/center] [center][b]Location:[/b] Callisto Orbit, The [i]Carrion[/i][/center] Juddworth grumbled in acknowledgement. "Yeah, that's what I was thinking, too." He returned his attention to the console, keying up some information he'd procured from the 'net. "It's especially odd since the Will was written in eighty-one, but James Gray died around, say, sixty-three? Something like that. And that's his signature on the Will. Could be forged, but who knows?" The Hologram zoomed on the signing date of the Will, before shifting to a portrait of James Gray. A few more keystrokes and the projector brought up the image of an elaborate cemetery. "Unfortunately, if our theory is correct, James Gray's grave is located within this graveyard here." He pointed at the hologram. "It's contained within the grounds of the Royal Palace, on Mars, which, as we know, is heavily guarded." He scratched his beard in frustration, taking a moment to catch his breath. "On top of that, if they Grays have figured it out, which, we should assume, they [i]have[/i], they're not going to let anyone they don't know anywhere [i]close[/i] to the Palace, let alone the graveyard." Savis stepped back from the console, making sure the rest of the crew were paying attention. "Any wise ideas?"