[quote=@Frettzo] If you know how to use Astartian Magic, a whole world of possibilities opens up :p, you could do magic so powerful that you could defeat an entire army on your own or erase a city from Galbar. Such powerful magic is normally unattainable, but by sacrificing a few souls you can make it happen. Luckily, there's a procedure called "kidnap orphans and suck their souls out" that one can do to obtain large quantities of pure souls :) [/quote] [img]http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/209/105/7b2.jpeg[/img] Hel would never do that, so I'll have to pass. [quote=@Kho] I know a Necromancer who would be very interested in these souls. And in that scythe too. In fact, those were HIS Pack-Minds you killed, and whether you like it or not, he's comin for ya Helly girl. If only one of those Pack-Minds could return as an Undead or Cursed and run back to Thulemiz to tell him all that happened. Not sure if an Undead or Cursed can return if its soul has been stolen though. NEVERTHELESS, Thulemiz will find out somehow. [/quote] They're way too far apart, methinks. Out of the 4 Pack minds that dies, 2 were devoured by Frederic and the other two got their souls taken. If anything Thulemiz would notice a handful of Pack Minds missing. Come to think of it, I guess I can invest a bit on necromancy. If Hel doesn't make use of it, someone else will anyways.