OK, so just trying to organize powers and stuff in order to see if a cohesive theme can be squeezed out of this. [@RabidAnubis] - Plants [@AtomicNut] - Healing (Water) [@Hero] - Fire [@shagranoz] - Lightning [@Pyromania99] - Music (Air) [@Rune_Alchemist] - Earth [@Stern Algorithm] - Robots (Metal) Okay, so it looks like we can go for an elemental theme here, more or less, as long as AtomicNut is okay with healing being an aspect of water, and as long as Pyromania99 is okay with music being an aspect of air. Although this doesn't really help me come up with a name since most magical girl teams of four or more tend to veer into elemental specialization. Eileen's embarrassing costume, incoming: [img]http://pa1.narvii.com/6658/5efc45922f6f1af143cd9de1ff394af3ae78e358_00.gif[/img]