[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/SY1KDru.png[/img] What a [b][i]FUCKING[/i][/b] bitch. Zack ran his left hand through his hair of slick, sexy dirty blond hair. God people kill for this shade of natural hair, hell even fuck for the genes. If only looking were a crime, Zack could rack up so many arrests seldom did he anymore though. He was a thug, a good thug - a good hired thug. Who was this bitch to order him around, heck she was a hot-shot. Get it, hot? He chuckled at the thought before turning back to the tanned baddie. He closed his locker with a satisfying [i]CHUNK[/i]. He walked over to his pilot seat, ready to KO any trespassing feet on the Troye Darcy. He looked out the cockpit's window, he could practically see Troye fucking fuming. [i][color=ed077b]"Listen you ice queen... We don't play fucking games that's why Addision got the best, toughest PubSec cop this side of China on board. Hell... I bet our team is fucking sick, rad, cyro. Besides your bossy piece of ass from Corporate Command I don't see much of a team here, where is the dream team. TEAM ETA? What's that mean, something stupid like Elite Tactical Agents. Heh, I think Evil Thinking Assholes is a better name. You know the grave is fucking protected, we need firepower - firepower in general. I need a rifle and cool body armor, maybe some decals but that will be my end to handle. I don't mind playing by your rules, I'm all for getting paid and shit. Don't act like you can do this by yourself cuz you can't, hence my muscles and the rest of the boys."[/color][/i] He flexes, exposing his somewhat lean arms. A Killchain tradition perhaps. [i][color=ed077b]"It's Killchain for a fucking reason! Listen you want to go silent as fuck down there, sure whatever.. You can run around seducing every guard but you'll be the one calling a nine-line medevac that I'll fly to the garbage disposal when the whole team fucking dies down there. You got me ? You on my wave frequency? Good, fucking GOLDEN CRYSTAL CLEAR example of leadership. You don't have to terminate any of us, hell we'll die before you punch that fucking paper to the old man. I just got ideas babe, good ones. Maybe you don't like 'em, others might but I'm here to fucking win. That's why I got the job, winners only - sorry losers. "[/color][/i] He laughs, before looking over the pilot systems. [i][color=ed077b]"God where are these clowns - hey if you need my signature of the agreement, you can shake my hand. Don't worry I washed it before I got here, the fucking chicks here are messy I know."[/color][/i] She made the cockpit such a fucking mess, women you can never trust them to clean their boots. Corporate chicks are the best hands down.[/center]