[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=4dffa6]Dr. Dorothy Pender[/color] & [color=8882be]Dr. Fitz Townsley[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s13.postimg.org/pbhyy3wgn/ezgif-2-a33e327eb6.gif[/img][hr][hr][b][color=4dffa6]Location:[/color][/b] Lady Luck's [b][color=8882be]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [/center][hr] Dorothy continued to pace up and down the street outside of Lady Luck's. She couldn't decide if she was ready to rejoin the others quite yet. Her emotions were tearing her apart, with her mind analyzing simultaneously all and yet no possible solutions. Why had her sister acted like that? Was there something wrong with Daphne that she had overlooked out of sisterly affection all of these years? Was she sick? Did she need help? Or was Dorothy reading too much into it, allowing Jahosafat to color her thoughts and opinions? She sighed as she stopped in her tracks, well aware of the fact that she was in the middle of the street. Let someone shout at her for blocking the path - she didn't care. She could use a fight at the moment anyways. She toed the ground slightly, trying her best to take calming breaths as she counted to ten. Maybe she'd give Daphne a medical exam later - and perhaps at their next stop, she could use some of her funds to contact a companion or a psychologist to speak with her. Their childhood on Boros was hardly easy - maybe this was a manifestation of that? She knew next to nothing about psychology yet she could still reason and it seemed logical to her. She was very much aware of her own issues that stemmed from childhood - maybe these were just Daphne's. Meanwhile, Fitz wasn't quite buying Anisa's explanation about a barber. He had a twin sister and he knew for a fact that although her hair went [i]everywhere[/i] in the house, it was never bad enough to hire a full time barber. Even after she had come home from days at the lab, with her hair a frizzy mess, it didn't need that. Fitz couldn't tell if they were pulling his leg or if Foy's status as a barber was a cover for something more sinister. At least Jackie seemed to agree with him - there was no way they'd have a barber paid just to be on their ship. [color=4dffa6]"Pai gow poker?"[/color] Dorothy suggested. She had come back inside, apparently having had enough of fresh air, just in time to hear Jackie list off various card games. She adored cards and one of the first games she had ever learnt, perhaps ironically, was double-hand poker. It was sometimes also referred to as [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pai_gow_poker]pai gow poker[/url] and it had been a favorite among the regulars at her father's establishment. She then took a vacant seat down next to her sister, giving Daphne a quick reassuring smile. It only served to mask the uncertainty she felt on the inside. [color=8882be]"A-any game is fine with me...R-ratscrew is really fun, but it's not really a gambling game...I d-do have Clue - it's an old game from Earth-that-Was - if an-an-anyone is interested in playing that at some point...It's vintage."[/color] [color=4dffa6]"I think ancient would be the appropriate term,"[/color] Dorothy pointed out, yet she didn't seem disinclined.