[hider=Culture: Drakken] [list] [*] Drakkens live in a harsh environment (deserts, rock filled lands, forests filled with horrible creatures) [*] Very few liveable places in Drakka. [*] The Drakken Court is made up of War Lords (Who are heads of grand standing families). The War lords' families have their own mini court which take care of strict family things that don't need to go to the high court. [list][*]These War Lords and important family members are usually the ones allowed to take mates. So most of the children belong to these few. (Almost like breeding a small army) [*]Any of the Grand standing families may challenge the Kings right to rule. This is rarely done, and has only been done 4 times in all of Drakken history. (As only the strong can rule Drakka)[/list] [*] There are Drakken females but they are rare as they too love to fight. (plus Drakkens seem to produce more males than females, hence why they take brides elsewhere) [*] Drakken's are also not the kindest creatures, living in some of the harshest terrain and having an inbred need to cause chaos makes them difficult. [*] Drakkens have a trio of Gods (Drun - God of War, Krenta - God of Death, Sorrak - God of Prolificity) [*] Though they have this trio of Gods, they also have lesser Gods. The one most mentioned in Drakken writing is known as Norric, he is said to be the bringer of darkness and a servant of the God trio. [*] To ensure that a Gem bride is not stolen or if she happens to run away, the Drakken give them a special mark to let others know who they belong to. (this can be a brand, tattoo or anything that can be seen) [/list] [/hider] [hider=Culture: Gemminite] [list] [*] Gems live in something like a paradise called Gemminia (Rolling green hills, crystal clear waters, and beautiful cities) [*] Gemminite court members are voted in from Grand families, but if a common Gem receives support from the people. They to can be voted into the court.(A grand total of seven Gems of each type are on the council at any one time, with the exception of the ruling element, which only has three council members and then the king or queen presiding over each council session.) [*] Gemminite royalty is a long line of rulers that are usually water Gems as they are usually wise. (There has been families of other elements, usually they ruled when they're most needed) [*] Gem's are peaceful beings, and don't like fighting. That is why they give some of their daughters to the Drakken's, so that they get much needed protection. [*] Female Gemminites become of age for the Reaping at 18yrs-21yrs [list][*] Most are taken at 18yrs, as most Drakken males don't want anything older.[/list] [*] Gem's usually marry other Gem's of the same element (so wind with wind, water with water.) So their children will be of the same element. [list] [*] A two different element Gem pairing will result in the child getting the element of its same gendered parent. [*] In uncommon cases the child of two different element Gems can get the same element of its parent of the opposite gender. But again this is uncommon. [*] There has been cases where the above have been disregarded and the child having a completely different element than either of the parents. This is really rare though[/list] [*] Gems have a trio of Goddesses and one God (Naia - Goddess of Water and Wisdom, Auram - Goddess of Air and Liberty, Pyrus - God of Fire and Strength, Vivari - Goddess of Earth and the Great Mother) [*] Gem brides have been known to set up small shrines/altars in secret within their husband's estates to retain their native faith. Typically things do not go well for the brides if these shrines are found.[/list] [/hider] [hider=Gem Gods - Lore] [u][b]Vivari the Great Mother[/b][/u] [hider=Vivari - Goddess of Earth and the Great Mother] [img]http://wiki.guildwars.com/images/thumb/4/4f/%22Melandru%22_concept_art.jpg/300px-%22Melandru%22_concept_art.jpg[/img] [/hider] [list] [*]Vivari was the founder of all the races. [*]When the world was young and fertile she gave birth to many creatures; most she loved and nurtured. [*]These loved ones were the first races, beautiful and gentle, they represented their mother's gentleness and kindness. [*]But the Great Mother's violent side became manifest in her next children, who were vile and delighted in attempting to destroy or enslave the other races. [*]Three of these children, Drun, Krenta, and Sorrak, became gods themselves, having drawn great power from the suffering they caused. [*]Horrified at what she had created, the Great Mother birthed three others, Naia, Pyrus, and Auram, to try and stop the three hated ones. Into these three good children she poured all of her strength. [*]They were to bring balance, but her violent children were themselves too strong, and created their own children from the flesh of their Mother, weakening her. From the Mother's flesh many vile races were born, overpowering the Elder children. They nearly destroyed their Mother and younger siblings. [*]As a final bargain, Great Mother Vivari offered her vile sons valiant, strong enemies to fight in the south, the place that was blighted. But in exchange for this hunting they had to keep their offspring away from the north. [*]They agreed, but Vivari knew her children would test her will and power, so she made the Great Spine to at least forestall the inevitable. [*]The mountains of the Spine were as high and as deadly as the one who made them; as protective of the Gemminite realm as any mother would be to her favorite daughters. [*]To the north of these mountains Vivari and her three children ruled justly and brought prosperity back to their lands.[/list] [hr] [u][b]Auram, goddess of Air and Freedom[/b][/u] [hider=Auram - Goddess of Air and Liberty] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/15/7a/91/157a91d09b39710b5dae21ac51d00d1f.jpg[/img] [/hider] [list][*]Auram is the youngest of the Mother's godly children. [*]She is creative and rather quiet, always there but rarely noticed unless she's in a temper. Kind of like the element she embodies. Similarly, she is able to change her nature within seconds. [*]As an individual she is less powerful than her siblings, but when she is matched with either her brother or sister she makes them stronger. As what is a raging ocean without the mighty wind? What is a raging fire without the wind to fuel it?[/list] [hr] [u][b]Naia, Goddess of Water and Wisdom[/b][/u] [hider=Naia - Goddess of Water and Wisdom,] [img]http://40.media.tumblr.com/d22f74df92ffbf3ddcb24211dbdb6e7a/tumblr_mp729c3HzJ1s3ehzko1_1280.jpg[/img] [/hider] [list][*]Naia was the first of her Mother's children. [*]Naia, like the waters she governs, is largely calm. It takes a lot to rile her up, but when she does, like a great ocean chruned in a storm, her wrath is a force to be reckoned with. [*]Naia was named the keeper of histories and wisdom for her element's stability. While one choice may have been earth, it was determined that even mighty mountains eventually crumble and shift, but water stays forever. Even through drought, storm and flood alike, water is never destroyed; simply changed of form and moved someplace else. [*]Water gems are the only ones known to bring their babies through a type of baptismal ritual. Depending upon the clan, a water gem baby will be blessed by the water in the village's most precious reservoir (be it a fresh spring, a fertile ocean, or a cleansing waterfall, it makes no difference so long as it is vital to the settlement). More on this later.[/list] [hr] [u][b]Pyrus - God of Fire and Strength[/b][/u] [hider=Pyrus - God of Fire and Strength] [img]http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/331/c/7/agni____god_of_fire_by_riddhesh-d33oy9m.jpg[/img] [/hider] [list][*] Middle child of their mothers second birthing of godly children. [*] Pyrus is the ridged back bone of the group, a fearless fighter/warrior and easily set off. He gives strength to the weary and warmth to those that need it, [*] He is the only male god in the Gem gods pantheon and is the protector his sisters, mother and the people. [*] Fire Gems make up the majority of military and city guard roles.[/list] [/hider] [hider=Drakken Gods - Lore] [u][b]Krenta - God of Death[/b][/u] [hider=Krenta - God of Death] [img]http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2010/121/f/5/Without_Sin_Demon_by_JSMarantz.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr] [u][b]Sorrak - God of Prolificity[/b][/u] [hider=Sorrak - God of Prolificity] [img]http://img.auctiva.com/imgdata/1/0/5/5/4/0/1/webimg/562800709_o.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr] [u][b]Drun - God of War[/b][/u] [hider=Drun - God of War] [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/287/6/9/demon_warrior_by_shaman_2000-d6qj2gp.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hr] [u][b]Norric - bringer of darkness and a servant of the Gods[/b][/u] [hider=Norric - bringer of darkness and a servant of the Gods] [img]http://media.wizards.com/images/magic/daily/arcana/892_ravenousdemon.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider]