Torlati moved with the grace of a hunting cat, sprinting with his long legs toward the greatest ziggurat of the village. This was Wetumpkah's people, but as a rule, all Shaman's kept their 'Rock of the Rakeeri' upon their greatest alter, to be used in the most dire of need. Saving a mere servant woman's life would not have prohibited such an action, but the Star man had told him to. The Star Man would not lie to Torlati. Neil saw the light fade from Quetzalli's eyes, and he allowed a few tears to stream down his face as he fell onto his ass, her fate now sealed. Even though he knew he'd feel a loss for a few weeks, he merely looked resigned, and to Junebug's eyes she would see him shrug, his smile gone but his face neutral. He'd been torn up because he had been through this before, but now he felt as if this was a tragedy that was doomed to repeat itself. "Let's get the hell off this planet." A few of the villagers wept as well. Some of them knew Quetzalli from her time in the village, and others wept simply because the male and female Star men were torn up, and so they should be. If your God cries, would you not cry as well? Junebug and Neil would hear Taya softly weeping in the background as one warrior strode up, giving a bow. In his language, he offered to help bury her. Neil understood only most of what he said, but it was enough for him to nod. That was when an even taller man appeared, pushing aside the warrior and kneeling before Quetzalli's body. There was a square stone in his hands, the marking on it a perfect mirror of the marking upon Neil's palm. He humbly asked to see Neil's 'god' hand, and Neil looked up at him. "Its over" He said in Zil. "Please," Torlati said insistently, and Neil reluctantly reached out to give him his hand. The man placed the rock upon his hand, both hand and rock were over the body of Quetzalli, and Torlati began to chant. Neil began to feel a budding heat in his hand, and for a moment he felt some of his energy being sucked out of himself and into the stone. Moments later, Torlati rubbed the stone over the wound of Quetzalli, and it began to stitch up almost mechanically, him chanting all the while. To Neil and Junebug's amazement, the stone grew smaller as it healed her body, until it was but the size of a pea. He then plucked the last of it into her mouth, and placed both of his hands upon her breast. With a word of power Neil couldn't understand, he pressed downward. Needless to say, Neil's jaw dropped when Quetzalli's eyes fluttered, and she looked around, holding her head and groaning as the shapely and very much alive woman sat up. Neil fell back, eyes as wide as saucers while his mouth turned into the smallest 'o,' unable to fully speak. "I am...I live?" She asked in broken imperial. "What in the fuck..." Neil breathed, choking up. [@Penny]