[center] [h1]Updates:[/h1] We're live! The Gems are all together at Shadow Worth, and the Drakken are all in the capital. [h2]Character Ratio:[/h2] If you are planning on having a Drakkan at all, please complete that CS first. The faster our Drakken are up and accepted, the quicker we can work on pairing you guys up. Keep in mind those of you that have already stated your intent for Drakkan characters will get priority. We will cut off applications for them if we get too many. ~Libby [h2]Drakkan Age:[/h2] GMs have come to a decision that minimum age for a Drakkan character needs to be 100. That is when they are considered full grown, mentally matured, and are accepted by Drakkan culture. If you have any further questions about the aging cycle please feel free to ask. ~Libby [/center]