[hider=Lienna Orhneaht][center][h2][color=a187be]Lienna Orhneaht[/color][/h2] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/be3b325f-fd28-4cd4-a875-a9b052827b17.png[/img] [color=a187be][b]Race:[/b][/color] Gem [color=a187be][b]Age:[/b][/color] 20 [color=a187be][b]Element(s):[/b][/color] Water [color=a187be][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'4 [hider=Bio][color=a187be][b]Bio:[/b][/color] Lienna was born to a poor single mother outside a Gem village in the far North, where the land never thawed and the sea, a blanket of ice. Though they were Water gems, just like almost everyone in the village, they were outcasts; the harshly logical townspeople thought Lienna's mother a fool for not drowning her child when she showed signs of beauty. They believed that beautiful daughters brought the Drakken upon the village, thus more likely to Reap from them again, and believed that killing a beautiful infant was more humane a fate than the possibility of being Reaped. In hindsight, Lienna wonders if they may have been right. From the get-go Lienna was taught to be self-reliant, not out of necessity, but out of her mother’s need to have a child who could fare well on her own. Looking back, Lienna figures that her mother saw the Reaping coming, and predicted that she may be chosen. She loved her daughter with all her might, however, and did her best to teach her how to be strong. [i]“A strong woman makes choices to improve her life and the lives of others, no matter what those choices may be,”[/i] she’d always said, [i]“A strong woman will never give up, not even when all hope is lost and everything is dark and broken.”[/i] The village in which they lived was very religious, and Lienna and her mother were no different. They held strong faith with Naia, the goddess of Water, patron of Water Gems. Her mother taught her many things about her goddess and her faith, but perhaps the most resounding of her mother's lessons was this: [i]"Water always finds a way."[/i] This became a mantra for Lienna as she faced life’s natural challenges, but never did she truly understand what those words meant until the Reaping. On the day she was taken, Lienna shared tearful goodbyes with her mother, and while she loathed the idea of becoming a bride to a monster, her mother convinced her to go willingly. Lienna obeyed, knowing that it would be easier on everyone if she cooperated. However, her mother did leave her one remnant of home: into Lienna’s hands she thrust a tiny ivory statue of an owl with shining amethyst eyes. Lienna identifies with water in every sense. She has always been calm and as wise as a young lady can be without age to help her, stoic but gentle with a harsh, yet tolerant temper. She has always taken life's challenges in stride, with the phrase in her mind, [i]"Water always finds a way."[/i][/hider] [color=a187be][b]Other:[/b][/color] Lienna has some trouble with reading and numbers, as she never had the opportunity to go to school or access many books. Her preferred use of her elemental magic is freezing water into ice. Lienna's mother had her when she was relatively old, 72 - her first and only child. All Lienna ever knew of her father was what her mother would let slip in far-off ramblings. [color=a187be][b]Adult Content Preference:[/b][/color] I'm open to taking it to PMs if ya really want to. Otherwise, fading to black is fine too. If you're curious, just ask me.[/center][/hider] EDIT: I'm gonna just mention that I know it sounds weird for Lienna not to have been taken when she was 18 (being the only girl in the village who looked Reap-worthy): my justification is that she lives way the fuck up north and I imagine it's a pain in the ass to go up there, thus I figure the drakken might have skipped going up there for a few years.