Fendros and Janius each remained quiet, glancing occasionally at the members of Ri'kalesh's pack to gauge their reactions. Even Rhazii kept his eyes down, even though he had been talking across to Ciinriel just moments before like nothing was wrong. In particular, Sabine looked sideways at Ri'vashi nearby on the main table. They never did get to meet face to face to talk the issue through, much to Sabine's regret. Perhaps that was why Sabine remained standing in front of Do'rhajul. She felt too anxious to sit down. She felt she had not said the right things, or not said them the right way. The awkwardness kept the feast from immediately erupting into loud chatter. Sabine took the chance to turn and speak to Do'rhajul. "Is there anything you wish to say, Rhajul?" She tried and failed to breath in evenly. "If not, we should find a place to eat."