[h3]Inuyasha[/h3] "My name is Inuyasha." he answered the man on the other end of the "telephone". "I am a demon hunter from about five hundred years ago. I doubt you have a record of me. While I was fairly well known among demons and demon hunters, I wasn't famous enough to have tales told of me or poems written about my deeds." [h3]Stark[/h3] Stark hit a button on the side of his helmet and it opened to reveal his face. "Nice to meet you, Empress Sanaki Kirsch Altina of the Begnion Empire." He nodded his head, the closest thing to a bow that could be properly performed while hovering in mid air. "I have experience dealing with police, if you would like me to speak with them for you. I was a hero in my world, so I got used to dealing with law enforcement." The woman with the Empress addressed him and he looked at her. "Oh, yes, you were in the coffee shop less than an hour ago. You asked about my suit. I apologize for being rude and leaving you. I didn't know you were a mage and heard about that man down there..." he pointed to Tyr, who was looking over the scorched place where a dragon used to be. "And thought he might be from my world, so I went to find him. He's from a different world, but he's willing to help me figure out a way home, so we teamed up. I was working on Inter-dimensional Travel in my world when I found myself here. At first I thought I had accidentally sent myself here, but I don't think any of my experiments could have brought people from other worlds here. More likely, it was used as a way to target me by whoever or whatever brought us here." [@Crusader Lord][@KoL][@PKMNB0Y]