Orchid was enjoying a gristly flank of venison when Kret's came in. Orchid's mood was originally fairly jovial until he came in, as even Orchid could recognize that this guy was their new inquisitor (Not that Orchid knew what an inquisitor was). He tore off some meat with his teeth and gave the man a dull stare. [color=a2d39c]"Hrgn. Orchid eating! Talk later, eat more."[/color] Orchid then downed a swig of water. Orchid didn't abide by the booze they had here, mainly because Orchid wasn't much of a drinker. He's been spoiled by the clean water his teachers could provide him. [color=a2d39c]"Chewy meat. Bad meat. But food is food."[/color] Orchid had wished he had pocketed some of those better cuts of meat when he was butchering game out back.