[color=ff5555]"Yeah, lets go,"[/color] Kindle was ready and actually excited for once for combat. She didn't get to fight often and when she did it was over stupid situations the boys usually put her in, this time was a legit reason to fight and she could go all out, hold nothing back. Kindle stepped out of the tent to call the boys over but she found them standing outside anyways. The two had come back from their stroll around the small town which was now back on its proper foundation. They were just enjoying the company the townsfolk as they praised their help. [color=ff5555]"Ter-Bius, we got a bone to pick with those responsible for this."[/color] Ter-Bius grew excited with one another, pumping their fist in the air before turning and giving each other a high five. The collision of their hands caused a shock wave that shook the air around them, coming from the energy of their excitement and the raw strength within. Kindle turned back to the entrance of the tent waiting for Aliya, [color=ff5555]"We're ready to go, whats the plan?"[/color]