Donny fried up some eggs on a pan when he heard the girl called Naomi speak. The way she spoke definitely seemed like a regal accent, confirming Donny's (false) suspicion that they were nobility. He honestly felt rather embarrassed at how shoddy his place was. If he had thought about having guest, or even just a nice lady friend, he'd at least make the place look presentable. Meekly he bowed but shook his head. [color=firebrick]"Much obliged for what you've already done for me, Lady Naomi. I know this place is... Well it's a dump, but I promise that in thanks for your help, I'll do my best to accommodate you. And answer your questions the best I can."[/color] Donny set up a small table at the center for everyone to gather around. And there he laid out today's dinner: [url=]egg on rye with a bowl of potato soup[/url]. He wished he could give them something with more substance or taste, but alas all he had for protein was wild goose eggs. Hunting hasn't been very successful what with all the wolves driving off the typical game, and the wolves themselves weren't always safe to eat. On the bright side he did have something for dessert: [url=]more sweet bread[/url]. Granted he only had three, including the one he was carrying with him, but they were warm and crispy thanks to being baked over the fire. As for drinks he gave everyone a wooden cup and a clay pitcher of clean water. [color=firebrick]"Well... S'far as where we are, we're in my house. I'm part of a lil village called Wayward. We ain't really an important village, we ain't even on the map apparently. Or so I've been told. Not a good thing neither. The area around here has been dangerous since some war started, far off from the village. The lord has taken most of the fighting age men and left our village defenseless. We've been getting more wolves as you could tell, as well as thieves and robbers. Honestly.... Y'all came at a bad time. Village ain't doing so well, and most of the folk have either moved to the city or turned to robbery themselves. Some of us of course try to stick with honest living, but it ain't easy when cheats and scoundrels take the fruit of our labor."[/color]