[center][h3]Scrabsa the Quick[/h3] Not disguised [hider=Real] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/736b9395-1c35-446e-b9ee-41133ea91af7.jpg[/img] [/hider] Disguised [hider=Fake] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/4d0f177b-0caf-47df-bc12-5ea49415cbf2.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/center] Name: Scrabsa Storm-Hammer, the Quick Nicknames: Scratch, Small one(family only), Dartling, Specs Age: Looks 12 years in real form, 24 in disguise, but is really 652 years old. Gender: Female Race: Kobold(DND style) Height: Real; 2'6" Disguised; 5'2" [hider=Personality] Scrabsa has been known to be change in her demeanor depending on the situation. If she is in one she finds entertaining, she can be cold, calculating, and sadistic. If it isn't, she is comical, blunt, occasionally sarcastic, stubborn, and wild. During such periods, she can easily convince people to do what she wants to do, from going out, to getting drunk. People from her time say it's because she was raised by the StormHammer dwarf clan, but she says that's just how she is. Although she can be trying and in some cases, annoying, she is very loyal and protective to her friends. Piss her off, and she'll make sure you don't see the light of day. [/hider] [hider=skills, abilities and carry-ons] This is indeed everything about her physically other than her appearance. Let's start with her equipment. Equipment; -[i]Lamfrey[/i]: Even now, Scrabsa goes nowhere without her prized dagger. Lamfrey causes mind numbing pain to any and all her enemies, and she has added an enchantment over the years to still life from her enemies, to stay alive in combat. -[i]Moradin's Blessing[/i]: A gift from her clan, to protect her in the dark and foul places of the earth by the will of the chief dwarven deity, Moradin. -[i]Endless pouch[/i]: due to both her heritage and her possessiveness, she carries and collects any plant, mineral, or artifact that could assist her or entertain her. This is helpful when making traps or pranks potions away from home. It could seemably never be full, but she surprising did fill it before when she got an itch to...borrow without permission. -[i]Dragonling leather[/i]: Even though she has gotten any suggestive comments from allies and enemies alike, her armor is leather and covers the bare minimum along with some extra plates. The hide is that of Dragonlings, making the armor fire immune, so burning it is not a smart option. The reason it covers the essentials is A; her species is tribal B; she finds anything else uncomfortable and C; she doesn't like the added weight of anything else. Good thing it shifts withe her spell. Skills; -[i]Anatomy and Biology[/i]; Scrabsa knows the body of any creature like the back of her hand. She openly gloats of it too when it is of use. Ehem! [s]Cutting monster's and enemies major arteries...[/s] -[i]Dwarf Trained[/i]; Scrabsa was trained by her adopted father Randorn, clan king. She could put anyone on their ass. -[i]Lizard Bones[/i]; Due to her reptilian nature, she does climb and move quite fast. This sometimes makes her walk on all fours. -[i]Old Magic[/i]; Kobolds are cousins to dragons, leading to an innate sense to magic. Unlike her kind however, she doesn't treat it religiously. She treats it more like a very lazy tool. Abilities; -[i]Dwarf Cleric[/i]: Her centuries of life have been good for practicing the ways of the stone, her religious relation that includes magic. She can move and shape the stone to her will if she expends her energy, and prays to her god. -[i]Assassin's Knowledge[/i]: Her ways of stealth are only as good as they are with the spells she uses to hide herself and her presence. -[i]Dragon Eyes[/i]: Kobolds don't need light as much as humans to see. [/hider] [hider=Weaknesses] -susceptible to electricity more than others. -Her stubbornness can sometimes blind her to the situation, but not often. -She constantly chews on an herb known as fire-weed. It can distract her. -She has a sweet tooth, unlike most of her kind, which are normally carnivores. -She does not like cats, because they always play with her tail and scratch her. -Picking her up with out permission causes her to cry. Not kidding. -She doesn't like warm places like the rest of her kind. [/hider] [hider=History] The day she hatched was the last day she had good feelings for her kind. Her birth kobold tribe was all reds, so when a blue is born to reds, it is seen as an omen. She was allowed to stay with the tribe till the elders figured out what to do, but that was only for a week. She was lucky that kobolds develop quickly, for she found herself alone, in a human city, surviving of scraps soon after being sent away. For a year, she survived, barely, and stole when she could. Being a kobold made it easy to steal, but she didn't want to do it to survive the way she was. She learned a bit about the world, but enough for her to get by. One day however, Dwarves came down from the mountains to trade with the humans. Their king was with them, Randorn, and he was old and wise. She saw this as a possible way to improve her situation by theft. She saw Randorn, not knowing who he was due to him being by himself and her lack of knowledge. As soon as she put her hand on his coin purse, he turned in grabbed her by the arm in a flash of motion. He lifted her up by her arm and stared at her with storming eyes. "What be the meanin' o' 'dis lizard?" he scolded. she whimpered with fear and finally managed to squeak out [color=6ecff6]"No k-k...kill...me ex-exile...not threat. Eep!"[/color] He looked at her coldly, then examined her. He knew much about kobolds, and he knew this was no more than a child. She wore torn rags and her scales were a shade too dark to be the right color. Her eyes told him she she had a horrible experience thus far. His gaze softened, but she was still tense. "How old are ye' girl?" she relaxed slightly and squeaked. [color=6ecff6]"B-b-barely a-aa-a year."[/color] His eyes grew wide. "An' how long 'ave ye' been on ya' own?" She turned her head and teared up, but not a single tear fell. [color=6ecff6]"A year"[/color] she piped out. He then started to smile. "Well, then ye' are goin' ta do penance fer any crimes ye've committed by sevin' me." and he put her on his shoulder. She stared at him in disbelief. When they returned to the clan hall, she was groomed, given better clothes and began her 'penance'. He treated her fairly at taught her valuable qualities while she was still a child. He grew to calling her daughter or little one, making fun of her size, while she grew to call him father. She was given equal rights as a clan member and she grew to love their religion. One day, he took her to where the guards an soldiers train. She was 5, an adolescent by kobold terms. He wanted to see if she could fight, so one of his commanders took of his armor and but on bracers. She stood confused until a dwarf fist hit her in the shoulder. She immediately recovered and a rage was in her eyes. [color=6ecff6]"What in Moradin's name was that for?"[/color] The commander, Umgus, simply smiled. "Come on, Lizard, I know you can do better than that!" he taunted. Soon later, he had her pinned with a few scratches on his face and torso. [color=6ecff6]"Grrrr....Unlce! Get off!"[/color] and he did so. Randorn smiled and clapped. They both looked at him confused. [color=6ecff6]"What be the true purpose of 'dis?"[/color] she beamed. Randorn simply grinned. "My daughter, you'll begin your training tomorrow. Get some sleep, me little one." and years of training began. At first, she was only able to barely dodge Umgus' attacks, and deal little blows in return. But as she finished growing, she also soon found her strengths and weaknesses. She knew she wouldn't be able to do a brute assault like the dwarves, but she could get their strength and use enemies size and strength against them. She took on roguish tactics and soon could defeat all of the dwarves in the clan. Once her training was done, Randorn through a celebration on her birthday to give her the recognition he felt she deserved. During the celebration, Randorn made her his personal guard, and he gave her four gifts. "This is Lamfrey..." he said pulling a small dagger from a odd sheath. It was a dull gray bent blade with runes on it and a snake designed cross-guard and a black leathery grip. A blue gem was encrusted in the snake's mouth and two smaller ones for the eyes. The blades crooked yet smooth double bend resembled a claw, but sharper. "...it will never dull and will always find it's mark if thrown. If the blood of your enemies covers the blade, then your blood will continue to remain, whether you are harmed or not." and she took the dagger and sheath. He pulled out a dull brown leather armor with gold facets, feathers and winter wolf fur. "This armor may be...revealing, but it will never burn nor will you be cold while wearing it. It will protect you, but not hinder you like I know you like in armor. Even if it does reveal your...assets a little too much." Scrabsa simply giggled at his uncomfortable thoughts of her preferred attire. He continued while glaring at her. "And finally, a pouch." and he held out a dull gray-blue pouch with a sapphire clip. She stared at it questioningly. "It's capacity is more than it looks." and handed it to her. "Finally..." he said, waving his hand to the cleric. "...The gift of the dwarven lifespan." and she gasped. After that she was at his side for everything, but mostly on his shoulder, it being her favorite spot to sit. She advised him for some issues and defended him in others. Eventually, however, all things end. The dwarves mined to deep. They reached the UnderDark. Beasts of hell and darkness attacked the dwarven city and expunged the dwarves, killing many of them. This included Randorn. Although she wasn't a dwarf, she was the best choice for leader. She led them to a new area and turned it into a new hall. After that, they wanted her to be the new clan leader, but she declined. Instead, one of the commanders did so instead. She went wandering, but not without friends to accompany her. Three of the dwarves accompanied her; Umgus, Banrus, and Farmar. They assisted her and followed her everywhere. They became valuable mercenaries for hire by royals and nobles. During their travels, their number increased. An elf named Sarris, a ranger with a heart of gold, and Gref Duliz, the human warrior, dishonored and drunk. They were grand friends, the group became famous and respected. But not everything lasts, as Scrabsa knew all too well, but it didn't end in flames. You see, one bounty they had was a warlock of great power, and when they found him, he cursed them in another language that none of them knew. [color=39b54a][i]"Make my hunters, valiant-hearted and sin tainted, make them live throughout the ages, to where their names are in all the pages!"[/i][/color] and a green blast hit them. They were stunned, then rushed their bounty and bound him. They thought the spell backfired, because he died anyway. They didn't realize that he made them have internal youth. They thought that it couldn't be that bad at first, but they eventually outlived everything they knew and loved. Al they had was each other. They lived through the centuries, living, fighting and working together. Recently, however, Sarris, while at his cover as a librarian, discovered various ways to break the curse. One; a counter curse. two; finding a cleansing relic. or three; find your soulmate. Scrabsa laughed at it when he told the group at their rather large home. [color=6ecff6]"Are you sure this is the real thing? It sounds like bulls*** to me."[/color] Sarris simply glared. "Dartling, we have lived centuries and started hiding our real selves from humans in order to continue on in peace. We built company empires so we would have the necessary resources to do what we need. I was the only one to keep looking after ya'll gave up. We. Have. NO. OTHER. OPTIONS!" he scolded. Gref huffed from his drink, glaring at the elf. "What would you have us do? Try them all? We may be old, but none of us have the magical talent to do a curse strong enough to counter the curse and live. Any cleansing relics would most likely be either hidden beyond us or doesn't work anymore, though it is still a viable option. And getting girlfriends and a boyfriend for Lizard? How would we find these 'soulmates' anyway?" Scrabsa grinned with delight. [color=6ecff6]"I know how!"[/color] and the three dwarves groaned and Sarris picked her up and bear-hugged her. [color=6ecff6]"Ow! My boobs! Sarris!"[/color] she gasped in pain. He dropped her at this and earned a bite mark on his arm. "Well, let's start!" [/hider] Crush: [color=6ecff6]"Don't know yet...."[/color] Children: None