[hider=Map] [img]https://i.imgur.com/xnNpfi4.jpg?1[/img] [/hider] I'm by no means a master of maps, so don't take this too literally. I'm sure you can imagine a much more diverse and interesting landscape with more roads and points of interest, so please do, but perhaps this could give us a rough idea of a few locations. The circle with the star is the location of the E-6. The white circles with letters are primary towns. The red circles are camps or areas of particular influence of the Novus Ordo. The yellow circles are smaller communities. Finally, that little blue square is the motor charging station where I envision my character, Jin, being located at present time. Town 'A' is the one I called Redworth, which is closest to the E-6 as you can see. Town 'B' is a small town nearest to the Novus Ordo camp, and also has a bit more of their presence and influence. I'm thinking town 'C' is the one with the bazaar, which as you can see is still very much on top of the action zones. Towns may well spill over the lines because of course this is just a rough idea. Oh, and there's a town 'D' near the bottom, which I put there just to fill a space. If anybody would like anything changed on this map, let me know, but hopefully it's enough to give us a rough idea of where we might be located in relation to each other. So, [@Virani], you were wondering about where Octavia might be located. The choice is yours. I assume the majority of us will initially be in towns B and C. B doesn't mean that the Novus Ordo attack everybody all the time, just that they have some presence there and try to force protection on people. The fact there has been an explosion in the neighbouring camp also means there will be casualties to keep Octavia busy in the meantime if need be. Alternatively, you could add and position yourself in a small community in between towns if you'd like.