Clickity - Clack Himeri's heeled boots announced her presence before she could even be seen. Walking confidently down the winding streets with her bright red luggage rolling behind her, she headed towards where she heard the dusk dormitories were. Dressed in expensive labels she wore tight fitting jeans and a light blouse that complimented her body shape. Her nails were manicured and painted with cute bow designs and her hair naturally curled bounced off her back as she moved rapidly forwards. She had wanted to make a good impression, and someone with her experience knew exactly how she was supposed to dress for that to happen. The further she went into the small city though, the less confident she felt. This place was so different from her home. Then again, she reminded herself that is why she came here. Finding herself in a bustling market she looked around at all the different stalls and all the different kind of people, human and non-human alike. She closed her eyes for a moment and took a big breath in and then a smile formed on her face as her fox ears and tails appeared. She could be herself here. That is why she was here. Finding her confidence once again she strut down the market way towards the housing, her red bag tumbling behind her.