[right] [h3][color=40ceb6][i]Ivory[/i][/color][/h3] [hider=Status] [b]Location:[/b] [i]On the road[/i] [b]Notes:[/b] [i]Interacting with[/i] [b]Sapphira // Igneous[/b] [/hider] [hider=Description] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/564x/65/5f/92/655f92322378bba882c250263117f09d.jpg]appearance pic[/url], roughly 5' 7" with a lean build, confident mannerisms, clothing doesn't stand out or indicate any form of wealth/lack of wealth [/hider] [/right] [hr] Ivory never looked up from Xen's journal as the cart came to a halt only a short way into their journey. Tarkus, Caeleo and the fairy jumped off to investigate the issue. She wasn't sure what Sapphira was going to do to help - she was quite tiny to be able to lift a wheel - but she kept her opinion to herself and stayed busy by looking over the status of her belongings. It wasn't out of the ordinary for jars to tip or even crack on long trips but everything looked to be as it had when she packed it. [color=fff200]"...of course I can!"[/color] She heard Sapphira exclaim from the other end of the wagon. After a bit of commotion, Caleus and Tarkus headed off on their own. [color=40ceb6]"Where are they going?"[/color] Ivory demanded, jumping down from the wagon. Sapphira and Igneous met her where she stood. [color=e0115f]"They're gathering wood. No one thought to bring a spare."[/color] Igneous responded, but didn't meet her eyes as if he was looking past her. [color=40ceb6][i]Maybe Sapphira would be able to help, after all.[/i][/color] Coming out of her thoughts, Ivory turned to look where Igneous' gaze remained, off her shoulder. A shadow shifted on the edge of the woods. [color=40ceb6][i]Maybe we can catch a bit of food while we're stranded here[/i][/color], she thought to herself. She turned back to the pair in front of her. [color=40ceb6]"Have either of you ever hunted before? Or gathered vegetation?"[/color] [color=fff200]"Nope,"[/color] Sapphira answered, her voice still chipper despite their current predicament. Igneous just shook his head. [color=40ceb6][i]Maybe hunting isn't a good idea.[/i][/color] She had never done it either. She had food rations to last until they came into a town, but if they ate them now, they would be hungry again too early. She did, however, have some taffy that a shop keeper in Delteria had given her as a supplement to payment after Ivory set his daughter's broken bone. It was always her policy to allow bartering for those who were of less means than others. [color=40ceb6]"Ok, well, would either of you be interested in some lemon taffy? Carrigan made it."[/color] The blank faces on her party members' faces reminded her that she was the only true Delteria native on the trip. She smiled, [color=40ceb6]"I promise it'll be the best taffy you've ever had."[/color] As she turned back to the wagon, a rifle blast rang out from the forest in the same direction Tarkus and Caeleo had ventured off to. At the same time, a man disappeared beyond the end of the wagon, invisible behind the canvas wagon cover. Ivory held her fingers to her lips to keep Sapphira and Igneous quiet, then motioned for them to follow her. She crouched down by the wheel and channeled the flux. Unbeknownst to the group, Ivory had practice at sensing the flux signature of those around her. It had manifested after Xen had turned her into a vampire, a bastardization of her healing and alchemy abilities. Tapping into the universe, Ivory focused on the man she knew was just around the corner. She got no reading. In the past, this happened when the person she was reading used their flux so little that they gave off no signature. Common thieves then. She turned back to Sapphira and....[color=40ceb6][i]where was Igenous?[/i][/color] Suddenly he appeared in front of her, holding two unconscious men up by their necks.