“Are coffee beans amongst your wares child?” Seorsa was caught by surprise as gentlemen tapped him on his shoulder. He let out a small yelp as he jumped a bit and turned to face the vampire. "Not on my person today but if you stop by the school later I can have some fresh coffee beans grown for you just let me know the roast type you'd like and i should have it by the end of the night." A smile beamed across his face as he spoke to his potential client. He pulled out a small moleskin notebook and pencil to write down the details of his clients order. Seorsa looked at the man with both eager eye's as well as puzzled ones. Having never seen someone with his appearance before he was interested in seeing what new crops he could grow to help his business in his new town. While the two conversed a woman approached him "Please, my child is ill! Tell me you have some more of your medicine in stock." Her urgent voice caused him to place his notebook in one hand as he quickly gathered the jar with medical herbs and gave it to the woman "Go to your child with haste and worry not of this payment today. The instructions are on the container so you should be more than fine and i shall be in town again tomorrow should you need more." His attention turned back towards the gentlemen "My sincerest apologies, where did we leave off?" [hider=Interactions] [@Achronum] [/hider]