Alright, welp, here we go! I think that's everything. Relationships welcome. [hider=Isana Sieger] [center][img][/img] [color=f7941d][h3]"Money makes the world go 'round kiddo. You can have your love and friendship all you want, but that don't get you shit now does it?"[/h3][/color] [/center] [b]Name:[/b] Isana Sieger/Luminous Vale [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing at just over 5'7", Isana has an overall fairly slender frame. Sporting flawless pale skin and amber colored eyes, most would probably consider her fairly attractive. Typically, her white hair is kept long and not styled, though well kept and it's obvious she does at least, take care of her appearance somewhat. Oddly, she doesn't have to do much to maintain her appearance. She attributes this in no small part to her previous nature as a magical girl - obviously, she has to look fabulous whilst killing bad guys or it just isn't worth it. Cool girls don't look at explosions and all that. While at work or out and about, Isana comes off as fairly business like and professional. Sporting suit jackets and a plethora of other dressy clothes, one doesn't find her outside not looking at least somewhat fashionable in some manner, though if one were to look closely they'd realize her clothing are the 'cheap' kind of dressy. At home or when lounging about, she has a hard time even putting her shirt on. Often times she can just be found lazing about her room on a couch munching on chips and playing a video game. [b]Magical Girl Costume:[/b] [hider=Uniform][img][/img][/hider] Honestly, maybe Isana got rather lucky with her outfit, though at the time it [i]probably[/i] earned her a bit of negative attention since hers wasn't the usual frills and bows that the other magical girls possessed. A long black cape situated over her shoulders, and a rather professional looking uniform that could possibly remind someone of the military, or at least someone of rank. At her side, rests her large earthen blade, [url=]Vale Scar[/url]. [b]Powers:[/b] To put simply, Isana's powers are completely earth based. In its simplest form, it allows her to manipulate rock itself to fight for her. She herself, doesn't particularly care too much about giving them fancy or embarrassing sorts of names, though she does have a few specialized more powerful moves in her arsenal that she uses on a regular basis. A few of her strongest abilities seem to incorporate being able to heat the earth, turning it into lava. Aside from this, she also has a few other perks thanks to her affinity for earth. It should be noted, that she has continued to develop a lot of her abilities since the good old days, and many of her abilities are a far cry from what they once were. [i][u]Stoneskin, Earthen Heart, Strength of Atlas:[/u][/i] To put bluntly, she is incredibly difficult to injure. It'd take a lot more force than normal for her to be injured in any capacity. When others relied on you to fight, then this was a necessity. As well, it allows her to really, go all day. It'd take her a long time to become tired when fighting and her physical strength isn't something to be trifled with despite her slender form. [i][u]Marbled Perfection:[/u][/i] A rather needless ability to always look her best. Hair's never out of place, clothes always clean. That sort of thing. What's it's use? Well, aside from looking fabulous all the time, not much. [b]Combat Abilities:[/b] [u][i]Rampart Spike:[/i][/u] Spikes of Earth shoot from the ground, creating a field hazard and otherwise impaling anything under them on them. [i][u]Castle of Stone:[/u][/i] 'Castle of stone' is at its core, a defensive ability. Effectively she can create massive walls of earth and stone to trap and prevent people from escaping or otherwise halt advances. [i][u]Diamond Breaker:[/u][/i] Back in the good 'ol days, this was her signature, and most powerful move. Draws up reserves of crystals buried deep beneath the earth and uses them to attack foes. The crystals are just clumps of concentrated magic and reflect all kinds of light and at one point, filled her comrades with a small sense of comfort and assured victory. [i][u]Vale Sever:[/u][/i] Her strongest ability, yet to have been seen by most of the others. Developed sometime after the original adventure. Splits the earth in two with a mighty swing of her blade, causing a massive earthquake and eruption of magma from deep within the earth. Quite devastating, and magma tends to burn. [b]Source:[/b] The ruby-red earrings are the 'source' of her abilities. [b]History with Justice Heart:[/b] With Isana, her introduction came at the hands of a magical girl by the name of Chloe. A rather irritable and somewhat less than friendly older girl who wasn't exactly the nicest nor did she get along with other magical girls, often keeping them at a cool distance. Isana though, relished the chance to get some of the action. With a not so great home life, letting loose some of that aggression felt nice, and was a good way to blow off some steam. Often times she found herself fighting on the front lines, doing her best to take as many baddies as she could at once, while the others either focused on a bigger threat or otherwise fled if things got bad. Eventually, she even found herself starting to well, value their company and friendship. [b]History after Justice Heart:[/b] For many years after the original adventure, Isana kept in touch with many of her former teammates. She liked them, and valued their friendship above all. After all, they were friends right? Friends watched out for each other. Friends didn't let bad things happen to their other friends. It was made hard though, by her parents continued failing financial situation and the fact she kept getting into trouble at school. Fights, mostly. She broke a guys jaw one time. As well, many of her former teammates ended up going to different schools or simply after some time, grew apart. But that was fine, that was life. Isana liked to think that when it came down to it, she ended it all on a good note with all of them. The only one who stuck around with her, was Chloe. Chloe hadn't been rather well liked by the others, but even so Isana considered her a friend. During highschool, they practically did everything together and were the epitome of 'besties'. Chloe even mellowed out a bit by then, and Isana's own personality seemed to start rubbing off on her a bit. Despite both of them being high school, neither of them could give up the one thing, they still loved to do - which is fight bad guys. Of course...just being the two of them, things were bound to go awry sooner or later. Chloe stumbled onto something big. Something bad. Or perhaps she had always been aware of it. She had been into some shady stuff as a kid - either way, Chloe disappeared and when Isana tried to get help from the others, they were all to busy or couldn't be bothered. Moved on with their life. When Chloe turned up murdered not long after, Isana's own reality seemed to shatter. She fell into depression, for a time, deciding that her so-called friends were nothing more than just fake people. She blamed them, and if her so called friends didn't want to help her, fine, she wouldn't help them. She buried herself in her studies, the final two years of her high school life having little to do with anyone else other than spending time shutting herself in her room with her computer, and studying. Eventually, she graduated high school with honors and found work as an IT specialist at a company, working a fairly mundane 9-5 job. Even so she objectively excelled at her job, and was considered to be one of their most valuable employees she couldn't help but to feel utter apathy towards everything, except her next paycheck. Today she moonlights as a bit of a vigilante on her off days, though not out of any sense of justice. She's bored, and the potential fight makes her feel like her old self. Plus, a good way to vent frustration. She's currently sharing an apartment with Alice...who's she still questioning whether that's a good idea or not. She hopes at least one day, to have enough money she doesn't have to work any more. [b]Relationships:[/b] Parents: Doesn't see them much, considers talking to them a pain. One of the only few number of people in the world she gives money too, since they're still struggling somewhat. [/hider]