[center][h2][b]Sofia Stien - Train yard[/b][/h2][/center] Anarchy? An understatement. Particularly when you were missing your ability to see. Noise erupted all around her, gunshots, burning flesh, roaring noises, and who knows what else. Normally, Sofia might be fine with this. However she had just been rudely informed that her protection was no longer adequate. As such Sofia was acutely aware of everything around her, waiting for that sickening tug that she couldn't protect herself from. Luckily Chatterhead didn't need to hang onto her very tightly, Sofia was clutching him tightly enough for the two of them. She whimpered a little at the sound of a Chatter-head that definitively wasn't her Chatterhead. Why was there an evil Chatterhead here? [b]"I wanna go home..."[/b] She whispered pathetically to herself. This wasn't fun anymore. She didn't want to be here anymore. Sofia just wanted to run away. Sofia even went so far as to take a step away before stopping herself. Chatterhead told her not to let go. That's all she needed to do. Don't think about anything else. Don't let go.