Leader: Name; Tallest Dirka the Defective Age; 352 earth years, but her physical age is more or less 31 Race; Irken Gender; Female Appearance; [hider=Without Tallest robe] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/7e5af960-4195-4f3d-adef-c86d6607177c.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Tallest robe] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/c968cb4f-8521-4e9f-9cf5-efc132d031e1.png[/img] [/hider] Personality; Helpful, kind, sadistic is some cases, calculating, and short tempered. Annoy her, and you're in for a bad day. Has a sorta 'do it yourself' attitude sometimes. Length of rein; So far, 46 earth years History; Dirka was originally an Irken invader that brought hundreds of worlds to compliance to Tallest Red and Purple. She was praised and respected, and at one point she was the person closest to the Tallest. However, she disagreed with the tactics and mannerisms of Red, purple, and the control brains rule. She thought it dishonorable, and that Irkens were losing themselves to it. At the time, these were considered blasphemous thoughts. She didn't care and started showing her true thoughts to the world. Red and purple took a great hit to their pride, thinking that they allied themselves with a defect. They tried to get her to stop, even tried to change her through her PAK, but they, nor the control brains, could. They did learn something that scared them more. She had a Tallest PAK, not invader. This scared them beyond belief, so they banished her with her invader equipment, knowing killing her would not be a good idea with the masses. She landed on Earth, and made a new life for herself. She decided to go through the human education system, as a way to learn of the masses. She did not expect to find a human that could see through her disguise, but she did. The boy, William, was an outcast. The rest of the school either feared him, bullied him, or tried to befriend him, but all attempts were failures except for a few where he engaged first contact. William, though seem ably normal except his likes and behavior, was a mutation. He loved the cold and rain, produced more body heat, could dislocate and relocate his bones at will, could take more damage than he should, and heightened sense. He also NEVER got sick. When she arrived, his jaw dropped, literally. He saw right through her disguise, but he knew no one else could. So, during passing period, he isolated her from the crowds and exchanged a few words. She was surprised that he knew she wasn't human. [color=92278f]"So what are you going to do human? Report me? I'll mind wipe you and-"[/color] she was caught off guard by his laughter. [color=ed1c24]"You misunderstand. I want to help you! Screw the normies! I'll hide you and assist you, bug-girl."[/color] and she was shocked. She accepted and it all went off from their. He protected her from guys that got to close and steered her away from the popular people. [color=ed1c24]"Trust me, you don't want to throw yourself with their lot. Few of them get a well paying job that wasn't given to them by their parents."[/color] he would say at lunch, sitting her down at his table collection of misfits. He taught her the history of humans and the ideals and ways of most of them. He would always make a joke undermining the majority of the human population. [color=ed1c24]"Sheeple normies. No difference. No stories that I haven't heard before. They worship smarter or more controling people like gods and demons, but never like men an women."[/color] he would say and his group agreed. As time went on, they got closer. He would assist in her experiments and repairs in order to learn more about her. After highschool was done and over, he went to collage to continue what he called "entertainment". She accompanied him and moved her base to the school so they had a home. This did lead to incidents. When he got home one day, he went to go take a shower. When he opened the door, he did not expect a naked alien drying herself. That was a very embarresing moment because when she noticed him, he fell backwards fainting. She blushed a purple, and he looked like he was painted maroon. He woke up soon after to her wearing a towel and smacking him while her SIR kicked him. She was still blushing. After that, he eventually got to asking her on a date, which she gladly said yes. She knew human feelings considered her a Defect, but she could care less. After a while, she started playing with his DNA and accidentally furthered his mutation. She liked it though, for he was bigger, reptilian, and was 30 times stronger. He could still hide himself by shifting his form, but he had to be more careful. After he graduated and got a job he enjoyed, he moved them to a more isolated part of the US. Eventually, he said f*** it and proposed. She fainted on the spot. [color=ed1c24]"Pay back"[/color] were his words when she woke up. She said yes. However, soon after, she received a transmission from Irk and was shocked at what she was told. "You are the new tallest, my almighty tallest." a invader said. She told William, though she got used to calling him Bill, and he said she should accept. But he was the issue. She wanted him but he would be treated poorly on Irk. He still didn't waver. So they moved everything to Irk and she became Tallest, with William as her 'pet'. She has ruled to correct her race's flaws and recalled all banished Defects. Other; Bill has a cybernetic right arm and eye, due to an accident in a lab. when not shifted, he has tripedal legs and a short lizard snout. he has patches of scales and his skin is a light grey and his hair stiffens and turns to spines. [hr] Nation: Name; Irken Empire Age; several hundred centuries. Dominant Race; Irkens Political structure; Monarchy Economics; Capitalist Military; Strengths- Strong, highly trained, high survival, savage fighting, brutal strategies. PAK assisted Weaknesses- PAK liability, smaller stature in many cases, sadistic nature can cause a failure in judgement, issue with pollutants. Number of planetary systems under control; 238 planets, 112 systems Technological Evolution Stage; Matter and energy manipulation perfected. Other; "Even in death, for the Emperor" :rolleyes