[hider] Name: Callum Webley III Age: 22 Gender: Male Role: Anselmo Guardian / Educational Society and Center of Advancement Skills: Equipment: -[url=http://zerofuser.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/screen.jpg]Auberon Mk. 3 Battle Rifle[/url]: Burst-firing battle rifle that excels at medium range. Trades the accuracy of longer-range rifles and the firerate of its medium range cousins for manageable recoil and solid per-shot-stopping-power. -[url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs5/i/2005/011/7/5/sci_fi_gun_by_genocidalpenguin.jpg]Archimedes Personal Defense Sidearm[/url]: Designed for civilian use inside the walls, the Archimedes is a favorite of scientists in the field due to its mobility and ease-of-use. It can fire both standard pistol rounds, as well as shotgun shells, though its clipsize suffers a bit, only able to fire five rounds before a reload is required. -[url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/618/826/large/dave-dind-scifiknife-01.jpg?1449596071]Electrician’s Knife[/url]: This knife is designed to be able to cut through wires and the such without electrocuting the wielder. Appearance: [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-uvhzyTJ1Im8/TgE4zrScP-I/AAAAAAAAABw/yNRRlUev4N0/s1600/sci+fi+soldier.jpg[/img] Background: Callum was born in the Civil District and was the third of five children. His father was the Director of Family Affairs, serving directly under the Civil Commander. His mother was a renowned architect and engineer. He was taught, from a young age, about his family’s illustrious history. The first official Civil Commander had been a Webley, and since then, there had never not been a Webley in some high Civil or Military office. Callum developed a measure of humility rather quickly. He wasn’t as smart as his older brother, or as strong and fast as his older sister. His marks in school were average, as was his physical prowess. Though he expressed interest in becoming an Anselmo Ranger, like his sister, it seemed unlikely he would achieve much distinction in the field. When Callum was fifteen, and his sister nineteen, she was killed on an expedition outside the wall. Afterward, his parents became more interested in the safety of their children than whatever prestie they might bring to the family. His father outright forbade him to become a ranger. He was angry, but was soon distracted by a keen interest in Old World Technology. He took to it naturally, and at seventeen, he started studying it professionally. There was four dull years of classes and internships before he finally received field study certification. As soon as he did, however, he was offered the chance to transfer into the Guardians. He did so as soon as possible, much to his father’s discontent. He served there for a few months before he heard about the expedition. He signed up as soon as he was able and received approval, tagging along as an old world technology researcher, and representing both the Educational and Guardian Divisions. Other: Though Callum has seen monsters while guarding the wall and on brief patrols, he’s yet to personally engage with one. Wish: Callum wants to see what’s beyond the walls, and on more than just cursory patrols. He wants to see what’s over the next hill, and the hill after that, and the hill after that... Trauma: There was something about a funeral when there were no remains to bury that gets everyone teary eyed. He still dreams about his sister’s ‘burial,’ sometimes. [/hider] Sorry it's a bit messy. I just wanted to pump this out with the quickness.