Demorra took a moment to catch her breath, after the Mote flashed and did goodness-knows-what. She wasn't used to running so hard. [url=]She knew almost immediately, however, that she was somewhere entirely different almost immediately.[/url] The beach had been sandy, for one, and not grassy. It had also been nighttime. That last part took a moment to fully register, but when it did, Demorra let out a small, startled [color=f6989d]"Oh!"[/color] She looked around her at the quiet birch forest, and at the others who had been taken along with her. [color=f6989d]"...How long were we gone?"[/color] Demorra took in her surroundings for a moment longer, before hearing the ponytailed boy from earlier say "This is all wrong." She gave a laugh that was more of a series of breaths and responded. [color=f6989d]"Indeed. Although... I wonder if-"[/color] Demorra concentrated, trying to see if her memory had been affected in any way. She started with the present, moving backwards. The beach... Edwin's Bend... and back until the moment she first woke up, in a wheat field somewhere with no memories and strange scars lining her body. And, apparently, eyes that just [i]screamed[/i] "witchcraft". She sighed. [color=f6989d]"No changes, then. Damn."[/color] Demorra could feel the Mote floating close behind her, and see its red light, though she made an effort not to look at it. No need for someone to get entranced and cause it to do who-knows-what again. In the course of steadfastly not paying any attention to the Mote whatsoever, her eyes chanced upon the bi-colored hair of the girl she had been running to save earlier. She seemed... fitful. Like she was asleep, and having a nightmare that wasn't quite bad enough to wake her up. Demorra got up and moved to her side, though how to rouse the girl she didn't know. For a moment, Demorra hesitated, looking at her oddly-colored hair and considering the likelihood of witchcraft. But the moment passed, and she shook her head. [color=f6989d][i]'Twould be hypocritical of me to be afraid of witchcraft, particularly when I have been accused of it so often myself. And besides, she is obviously in trouble! How could I leave this poor soul to suffer from... whatever malady she suffers from?[/i][/color] And so, she reached out a hand to gently rock Capella's shoulder. [color=f6989d]"Um. Excuse me, miss. Are you alright?"[/color]