"You having him working on the dirt again?" Goro asked amused as he watched the old warrior teaching his adopted human the ways of working the soil to bear the fruits of seeds. "The boy will have a strong back because of it," Kag grunted as he watched the boy expertly swing the pickaxe into the pebbly soil. This was a task the boy had performed thousands of times over, his downward swing was already smooth and effective, the metal blade of the pick easily dug into the soil parting its hard and dry surface. Kag was constantly making small gardens of different edible plants and seeds. It kept the goblin diet varied and it gave strength to the boy as he worked to make it so. He watched with a little pride as the boy swung over and over again, expertly shuffling down the line making a deep groove. Once the line was complete he would take a smaller pick to break down the dirt and mix it with Kag's personal fertilizer mix that includes crushed bones and the remains of fish and other animals along with the compost of rotting leaves. The mix constantly proved to be effective in its nutrition. All of this was taught to Kag by a human and it seemed only right that the boy learn it all from him as well.