CS below. I'd like to ask if there is a cute pet for Justice Heart (AKA Kyubey), and if so, I'd like Eileen to be the one who still takes care of it. Also, I'm open to relationships. [hider=Justice Violet] [color=a187be][b][u]Name:[/u][/b][/color] Eileen "Justice Violet" Fang [color=a187be][b][u]Appearance:[/u][/b][/color] [indent][hider=Civilian][img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6021/75d7b29fd2ef0170edc9fd723a292b646ac5d41a_hq.jpg[/img] [img]http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/elfen-lied/images/0/01/Arakawa_profile1.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/471?cb=20141210150621&path-prefix=es[/img][/hider] [hider=When she was younger] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CYDuorBWkAIy_vd.jpg[/img][/hider] [/indent] [color=a187be][b][u]Magical Girl Costume:[/u][/b][/color][indent][hider=Magical Girl][img]http://blog-imgs-51.fc2.com/y/a/r/yaraon/viploader2d742588s.jpg[/img][/hider] Eileen's costume looks something like the above, except the green highlights are purple. Eileen used to have pigtails, but now just has the one ponytail. The costume was a metaphorical manifestation of her desire to be more 'open' with others. She did not expect it would be so exhibitionist. The costume is techy, with hardpoints for the attachment of her real costume, her mecha armor: [hider=Mecha Armor]For the entire album, click [url=https://imgur.com/a/UuKGd]here[/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/by2X2yb.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Im7JX8D.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/GjnXGVt.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/5IDPb2f.jpg[/img] While proportionally, it would be impossible for her body to actually fit inside this machine, the reality-bending effects of magic make it possible. [/hider] [/indent] [color=a187be][b][u]Powers:[/u][/b][/color][list] [*][b][u]Magnetic Hands:[/u][/b][indent]Eileen can pull or push any metallic object that she can comfortably wield in her hand from a range of 10 meters[/indent] [*][b][u]Suit Up:[/u][/b][indent]Summoning a dark, gravitic vortex, Eileen passes through it and comes out the other end decked out in her mecha armor, from which all of her other capabilities are derived[/indent] [/list][indent][list] [*][b][u]Titanium Feathers:[/u][/b][indent]Eileen has 20 detachable Titanium Feathers, remote lasers that fly around firing weak energy beams, though they are sharp enough to impale if flying at a high enough speed. Eileen is not talented enough to control them individually, so they tend to fly around as a swarm, rather than pull off complex, multi-directional firing patterns[/indent] [*][b][u]Falcon Gauntlets:[/u][/b][indent]Eileen's gauntlets mount small beam guns as well as a large beam saber[/indent] [*][b][u]Hatchling's Shell:[/u][/b][indent]Eileen's two shoulder-mounted shields and arm-mounted gauntlets can project a fairly powerful defensive energy field that can be circular, like a buckler, or spherical, becoming large enough to cover a large volume around herself, protecting allies. It is much weaker as a sphere than as a circle[/indent] [*][b][u]Beam Rifle:[/u][/b][indent]Her beam rifle is her strongest weapon, and it is only of medium intensity. It can be fired from its backpack-mounted position, but is of low accuracy. To get any accuracy with the rifle, Eileen has to ditch her Falcon Gauntlets to hold the rifle with both hands to aim[/indent] [*][b][u]Jump Good:[/u][/b][indent]The mecha is much too heavy and has far too few thrusters to be actually capable of high-speed maneuvers or flight. It instead has the ability to make short, powerful jumps. Otherwise, she sort of just walks everywhere slowly[/indent] [*][b][u]Planet Cracker Finisher:[/u][/b][indent]While most of her beam weapons are pretty weak, Eileen's signature attack occurs when she focuses all the beams into a single point, merging them into a devastating wave of intense energy[/indent] [*][b][u]Magic Circle:[/u][/b][indent]Perhaps Eileen's most unique ability, She can command her Titanium Feathers to form a circle. Ally abilities cast within the circle have their power amplified[/indent] [/list] Though she has a plethora of weapons, most of them are fairly weak. Her role ultimately is to tank damage and to protect squishies (Yes, Eileen uses gaming terminology). Her weapons mostly provide overwhelming suppression fire and are handy when it comes to providing distractions (drawing aggro) and securing objectives. [/indent] [color=a187be][b][u]Source:[/u][/b][/color][indent]Eileen has a magical pocket watch that she wears as a necklace which she uses to transform[/indent] [color=a187be][b][u]History with Justice Heart:[/u][/b][/color][indent]Eileen was a friendless wallflower, a 'shrinking violet' if you will (pun intended), obsessed with machines and robots and never got along with girls, or boys for that matter. Not until one day when she fell into the crossfire between a monster and the team of magical girls who saved her. The monster had been feeding on her low self-esteem, loneliness, and depression. Even though most of them were younger than her, they lifted her spirits and told her it was okay to be herself. With this new found resolve, [s]several episodes[/s] later, she would join them as a magical girl as well, having come into herself, allowing her love of machines and robots to manifest in magical, mechanical armor, making her the tankiest member of the team. Having helped save the world with the power of magic, friendship, and science, she knew that they would be best friends forever. After all, she had found people who accepted her for who she was.[/indent] [color=a187be][b][u]History after Justice Heart:[/u][/b][/color][indent]Over the years, her special interests and obsessions became grating to her former allies, there was only so many times you can compare Wingdom season one with Wingdom season two before people got tired of you. All in all, she was a pretty insufferable nerd. When she's sad, and she is sad often, she has this deep, ugly sobbing. When she laughs, it's also a deep, ugly sound that is almost indistinguishable from her sobbing. She dreamed to one day invent the first rideable humanoid robot in America, but through the intervention of fate, despite her fairly stellar grades in the sciences, she never got accepted into any decent engineering schools. In the end, she settled for the local community college, taking an Associates Degree in electrical engineering. But there were no big companies hiring electrical engineers in the region, and she was never able to find a job outside of town. To this day, she lives with her parents, an 'otaku' or '[i]fujoshi[/i]', obsessing over plastic models and soldering breadboards in her dad's garage, as an over-glorified repairwoman who does odd, dirty jobs around town. She still dreams of the glory days and despite the falling out that they'd had, if any of them approached her, she would grovelingly ingratiate herself to them, just to be friends again and relive the magic. Her parents badger her about settling down, but her life is such a wreck right now, and she has and always will be such a nerd/geek/dork along with the various unresolved anxieties and depressive tendencies, that the very thought of intimacy sends her into a cold sweat.[/indent] [color=a187be][b][u]Relationships:[/u][/b][/color][list] [*][b][u]Parents:[/u][/b][indent]Eileen has a fairly normal, loving relationship with her parents, though the fact that they are Chinese immigrant parents, and Eileen is a good-for-nothing who won't settle down, there is some strain and tension with regard to their expectations of her[/indent] [*][b][u]Justice Heart Members:[/u][/b][indent]Despite having been spurned and ignored by the teammates who found her company just too damn annoying, Eileen is pretty desperate for human interaction and reminisces about their glory days. She also doesn't really know why there's distance between her and them, since people usually never tell you, "you're annoying" to your face, she tends to believe the dumb excuses they gave her to not hang out. She's kind of like a neglected dog in this way[/indent] [*][b][u]Justice Heart Cute Pet:[/u][/b][indent]Eileen might be the only member who still cares for the team's cute pet, letting it stay with her[/indent][/list][/hider]