Ty hid in the bushes as the white-furred rabbit carefully scanned the surrounding area. The goblin's green skin blended in well with the foliage, although he knew that the camouflage would come to nothing if he didn't stay still. As soon as the rabbit turned its head away from him, he pounced. Taurl leapt at the rabbit with his spear, leading with the tip of his weapon. The rabbit darted for cover as soon as it heard him, but it was too late. The lapine's flesh was pierced by the spear, killing it within seconds. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to use your remains properly. You're gonna make for some fine eating. Gonna sell your fur and give your head to the shaman, too." He knew that the rabbit couldn't hear him, but it was in his nature to gloat a bit when he scored a victory. Ty picked up the rabbit and started back for the town. Under the customs of the tribe, he could keep the rabbit for himself, as he had caught it using his own effort. If he decided to give any part of the rabbit away, it would be his own choice entirely. He made it back in under half an hour, holding aloft the white rabbit as if it was a great prize. He passed several other goblins on the way, including Tovo and Kag. For a goblin, a rabbit was not as meager a prize as it would be for a human, given the relatively large size of a rabbit compared to the smaller humanoids.