[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmFkZGVlYi5UV2x5WVc1aC4w/rothenburg-decorative.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i66.tinypic.com/2j5b384.png[/img][/center] [Color=lightblue]"10:00, tend to the garden, 11:00, assist the maids, 11:30, check on Ross, 12:00, combat practice..."[/color] Mirana was going over her schedule, in a bit of a rush, really. After more alices started to arrive, she had to make sure to focus more on keeping them safe, and to focus more on her combat training in case she had to fight any one of her stepbrother's soldiers, or really, him in general. Yet with one of said alices staying at her castle, Mira wanted to make sure he was alright during his stay, even if he wished to do more around the castle, it didn't seem right. With a sigh, Mirana stepped into the garden. Whenever she was stressed, she'd always go there to calm down. Walking over to a bush of white roses, she cupped one of the flowers into her hands, a light smile on her face. The rose then appeared to be stained in blood, turning the petals red. Mira quickly shook the thought out of her head, as the rose appeared normal once more. [Color=lightblue]"I really hope I can get some rest soon..."[/color] she said, bringing a hand up to cover her eyes, before looking down and crushing the rose in her hand. [Color=lightblue]"What are you planing, Rex...?"[/color] [hr][hr][hr] [center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjQyYjNhMS5UVzl5WjJGdS4xAAAA/beyond-wonderland.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i67.tinypic.com/zn8v86.png[/img][/center] [Color=paleturquoise]Ten years in the asylum. Ten years Morgan had to endure through various means to cure her of scitzophrenia, ten years she had retreated to her own "Wonderland", and fifteen years since she had witnessed her family's death with her own eyes. Morgan never fully recovered from that event, the fire, the blood, the cleaver in her hands, it was just like yesterday she had killed whoever had taken her family from her. But Morgan knew she had to move on, so on the day she was deemed cured, she was planning on what to do with her life. Yet that didn't last long. After she left, Morgan ended up falling into a well chasing a stupid rabbit, but she didn't hit the bottom. Instead, darkness was the only thing she saw, as she fell for what felt like forever, until one by one, there was light. Lanterns of different colors and shapes illuminated the hole, revealing a wooden interior, with different furniture and instruments(?) either sat on tree branches, or floated beside her. Fireflies and other glowing insects flew past Morgan, when a myriad of blue butterflies started to fly around her, changing her outfit to a more vibrant and familiar dress, the apron stained with blood. Then everything around her caught on fire, burning away as she finally hit the ground, a bit of a rough landing. [Color=darkturquoise]"Ow..."[/color] Morgan groaned, sitting up as she checked the back of her head for any bleeding. Somehow, she was fine. [Color=darkturquoise]"Okay, I seriously doubt that [i]a well[/i] of all things has another world inside it."[/color] She muttered under her breath, standing herself up. Looking around for a moment, she decided to start walking, hoping where she wanders to may have some answers as to where she is. [Color=darkturquoise]"Maybe this is all in my head. Yeah! Maybe I'm just having some sort of a coma and I'm still in the well, slowly bleeding out of my fractured skull cause of a damn rabbit. Yeah, sooner or later, I'll wake up in a hospital."[/color] Morgan talked to herself while she walked, cursing the animal that soon might have gotten her killed, until she noticed a structure in the distance. A red castle. [Color=darkturquoise]"Oh, finally, some sign of life!"[/color] She sighed in relief, yet something seemed off about the castle. It could've been her instincts telling her not to trust the place, but she wasn't taking any chances. So Morgan checked her apron's pockets, and pulled out a combat knife. [Color=darkturquoise]"Nice, still got my knifes."[/color] She said, before walking to the red castle, a tight grip on her weapon.[/color]