Do'rhajul looked down at the platter in front of him. He had not eaten a bite yet, and his self-reflection certainly was not helping. "Indeed. You should take care not to mistake my words for excuses. There is no adequate excuse, only explanations for my mistakes. Vile's priesthood hid much from me, I see now, but they could not hide everything. I knew that I would be killing lycans, and that the gas would be killing lycans. I knew it would be indiscriminate. Do you know what they told me? That it was a mercy, in the end. I had been convinced that your clans were conspiring to spread lycanthropy to everyone, and were essentially keeping their people bound to them through their condition. I knew firsthand that a lycan could not survive among civilization, at least not without specific training. I thought that most of your people were being forced to serve your clans because they had no other option. The cultists, they convinced me that they did not have the means to cure every lycan, but that they could save your souls from being bound to Hircine for eternity." The Cathay-raht could no longer bear to maintain eye contact with anyone around him. He had his head down, staring at the stone table in front of him. "Of course, even they did not try to convince me that Vile was doing it for charitable reasons. I was told that Vile to remove the beast spirits from your souls, then you could serve him for some time to earn your way out of his realm. Eventually, you would all be able to move on to Aetherius. It was a lie I should have seen through, but it was the one that motivated me to fight."