Lucas smirked as he viewed the representation of his world among the spheres. It was noticeably darker, not because of the Heartless but because of all smog generated by the coal and Ghostrock usage. Perhaps he got the short end of the multiversial stick because all the other keyblade wiedlers all had a fantastical aura among them. Surely their worlds had a similar sense of awe, he thought. Here he was a mere man among beings only mentioned in stories and myths but they were all brought together to stop the darkness that plagued every world, including his. How could he possibly refuse the call to battle? However, as the others proceeded to talk about themselves and their worlds (and even about a stageplay about twin witches?), a thought entered Lucas’ mind that the others must surely wonder about as well. [b]“Gracious hosts of the court, if I may ask, what exactly is our goal? Mentioning this progenitor Earth indicates to me that we will reunify this multiverse that you present before us.”[/b] He paused, pointing towards the holograms. [b]“But surely such different worlds must adhere to a new normality when re-united. So, what does this new world order look like?”[/b] Lucas would inquisitively glance towards Damianos, and then to Tocsax before finally resting his gaze upon the imperial couple. He had a feeling that an inquiry that he had just made might have violated a code of noble conduct but living in the wild western frontier does erode proper behavior.