Well then. This is my first shout out and well... I have so many to name but I'm gonna break it down. So...ones that I RP with but you don't see your names on this list, do not fret, do not become upset. I shall make another list of people I appreciate :). So then...I guess I will start off with ladies first. More precise....my virtual/RP sisters that I constantly and currently talk to or RP with and have so for a good while. Without further ado: [@DarkAngel Kena] You were my very first 1x1 RP partner when I wanted to get my feet wet in that area. We are still going strong and I appreciate you allowing me to share my RP ideas with you (That usually just pops in my head right at that moment) and going along with them despite how ridiculous it sounds. Yet still very successful and popular to RP on. I appreciate you talking to me even outside the guild, happy, sad, upset, tired... etc. I know at times, I seem to disappear and take a while to respond but thank you for your patients. I look forward to have many more years of memories RPing with you and being your adopted bro. [@DemonMiyu] You're one of my early 1x1 partners with multiple RPs. You've pretty much got me well versed in the fantasy and supernatural genres with the ideas you bring forth. I know at times I don't post for a while and I apologize for that but I want to acknowledge your patients and zeal of RPing with me even though I leave you waiting. I'm working on responding more promptly so that our awesome RPs don't cool down. You're a good friend and a sister I pretty much adopted. So with that being said.... lets continue the magic! [@Wick] Your passion for writing encourages me to write better and to push my abilities to higher levels. I met you on my very first superhero RP I joined here that was ran by you. Since then, it's been history. I appreciate you taking the time to talk to me here, and outside the guild. You're an awesome friend and you seem to get my silly remarks and the way I say things. You don't even ridicule me when I make many mistakes and typos(A shit ton of them) but I do still appreciate the kind corrections. Have to admit, I have started learning to adapt better to unfamiliar RP settings and genres I usually don't get involved in but I'm grateful that you have enough faith in me to be apart of something I have barely any experience in. You're a kind and awesome writer, friend and sis and I look forward for futures RPs and discussions with you :). [@BoyMom035] It's almost been a year since we first met but it feels like 5 years lol. Every time we talk, it's a guaran-damn-tee that we will be laughing about something. Mama jokes, How fat and greasy we are, junk food, crazy ass sayings, borderline insults, the list goes on....but, on a serious note, a fun RP partner. The ideas you come up with are pretty down to earth, simple but yet abundant in potential. Even if we get tired of one RP, we always have a new idea to sprout another RP out of our asses. Even with personal issues in our lives going on, I still appreciate you taking the time to talk with me. I believe our fuckerys will never end. So with that, sis...I appreciate you. [@KatherinWinter] I can say with confidence that you're one of the most persistent, enduring, strong minded RP partners I've met. You may not believe that you're strong but for someone to continue to bring back any RPs that may have died and to keep up with a lot of group RPs, my hat goes off to you. That's better than how I beat myself up when things fail. You're an awesome partner and friend/sis and I also want to show my appreciation for your patients with my disappearances and slow responses on RPs. I enjoy our conversations we have from time to time and I want to express that you're an encouragement to never give up! That's it for now but the next edition of Kingles' Shout Out, I'll mention the ones I missed. For all the people that I mentioned here now, KT got luv for ya! Til next time.....deuces...