A certain line of thought entered Hector's head as the explosion behind him signaled the death of one of their number. The rabbit had claimed to have brought them all here with his "looking glass" or whatever. None of them would have been here if he had not done this, if all was to be believed. Thus, it was entirely his fault that they were in the cross-hairs of that black beast. These selfish gits had caused the death of a person for their hidden agenda. Whatever shred of sympathy Hector might have been willing to give to this lot was as roasted to a crisp as whoever had perished in that inferno. The black one might have been the killer, but these people had tied them to the tracks. For all the disdain that was building in his head, Hector kept running. He was under no illusions that the black one was nothing other than hostile to them, and while he had a newfound contempt for their seeming allies, they weren't actively trying to kill them right now. He followed, as prompted, into the tall grass, but as he ran, he called out to the white rabbit. [b]"You had better have a bloody great explanation for all this!"[/b] There were only a handful of good reasons that could assuage his ire at this point. God help them if this was all orchestrated for some trivial whimsy on the part of these animalesque wankers. [@The Jest]